Eman Magdy Eman Magdy

All about you
elementary level


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Main Aims

  • to provide practice in writing an e-mail to an old friend.

Subsidiary Aims

  • to provide practice in reading for details in the same context.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

-Teacher will greet the Ss and ask them how are you doing? -Write on the board three questions and let Ss discuss with their partners. *How do you communicate with your friends? *What is your favourite site or apps? *Have you ever send an e-mail, and what about it? -Teacher will ask them about their answers.

Exposure (10-12 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading/listening

Show them the e-mail on( page 14) and ask them what is that( try to elicit). - Hold up the e-mail. *Tell them that they will read charlotte's e-mail to her friend laura via the (Friends Reunited)website. *Ask them if anyone knows what does reunited mean? try to elicit from them the meaning of reunited. *Tell them to read the e-mail and do not care about the gaps and answer the question(what do you learn about Laura and Charlotte?) *Tell them that you have 5 mins. *Tell them to work alone first. -Ask ICQs. *Are you going to just read or read and answer? *Are you going to read for general or for details? *Are you going to work alone or with your partner? ©️www.shady.blog / Britishey Lesson Plan Maker is dedicated to the late, Fatma Alhattab. -Monitor while they are reading to make sure they are on task. -Tell them to check in pairs. -Give them feedback. - Tell them to read the email again to complete the gaps with the sentences from exercise(b) *Tell them there are 10 sentences and 9 gaps, so there are 2 sentences will be in one gap. -Ask ICQs. *You will just read or read and complete the gaps. *You will complete the gaps from your mind or exercise no (b). *All the gaps will take just one sentence or there is one can take more. -Tell them to work alone first. -Monitor while they are answering to make sure they are on task. -Tell them to change their partner. -Then check in pairs. -Give them feedback.

Useful Language (8-10 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

-Try to elicit the answers from the students. *Ask them this e-mail is formal or informal. -Ask them how many parts are there to write an e-mail? *Write on the board the five parts and try to elicit these parts. *(How are things with you?) is it come in the first, middle or in the last of the e-mail? *(Take of yourself and Keep in touch ) in which part do we write them in the closing or in the greeting part? *(PS I’ve attached some photos of me now).ask them if anyone knows what does PS mean? try to elicit. if it does not work, I will give them the definition. then ask is it comes in the first, middle or in the end of e-mail? then ask them is it write before or after signing their names? *(All my love and lot’s of love) for whom we say these? and where can we write them in subject line or in signature part? *(Best wishes)is it come in signature or greeting part of the e-mail? and for whom. *(Regards)is it comes in body or signature part of the e-mail? and is it formal or informal? - Ask them about some other ways to finish the e-mail. -Give them a handout no.2 to be a model (the answer to these questions).

Productive Task(s) (12-15 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

-Tell them to take notes from the e-mail for example what does charlotte write in the first, second,………paragraph?. ©️www.shady.blog / Britishey Lesson Plan Maker is dedicated to the late, Fatma Alhattab. -Ask ICQ. *Are you going to write all the e-mail or just take notes. -Tell them you have two mins *Elicit from them the ideas. -Tell Ss to write an e-mail to an old friend. -Ask ICQ. *What will you use to help you in writing your notes from the e-mail or from your mind? -Monitor while they are writing to make sure they are on task. tell them to put their papers on the wall and read their

Feedback and Error Correction (2-3 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

- Read the Ss samples on the wall. - Give feedback on language by highlighting good examples along with relevant errors on the board and elicit their correction.

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