Shymaa Shalaby Shymaa Shalaby

If I had a million dollars
intermediate level


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Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of second conditional in the context of different hypothetical situations.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist listening practice using a text about second conditional in the context of song called '' if I had a million dollars''


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

- I display a picture of a modern house and ask the learners about their opinions. - I ask them if they like to live in this house '' would you like to live in this house?'' and ask them why they want to or not. - I tell them that they have 2 min to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of living in this house in pairs or as one group. - I ask ICQs: * how many minutes do you have? * do we discuss one thing or two things? * in pairs or individuals?

Exposure (5-8 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through listening to a song

- I ask the learners to listen to a song (If I Had a Million Dollar) and fill in the missing words. - I ask ICQs: * are we going to just listen? they should say No. - I will let them check their answers then we check together. - I ask some questions: * what would the singer of the song buy or do if he had a million dollars?

Clarification (10-12 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the second conditional.

- I write a marker sentence on the board from the song they have just listened to: If I had a million dollars, I would buy you a house. - I ask the ss * Does he have the million dollars? they should say no * will he buy her a house? They should say no * Is it a real situation or an imaginary situation? They should say an imaginary situation. * Are we talking about the past, present, or future? They should say present or future. - I tell the ss that the sentence after if is called If clause, and the other sentence is called the main clause. - I ask them: * How probable is the If clause? They should say improbable or unreal. * How certain is the main clause? They should say 100% - I elicit the form of the second conditional. - I drill the sentence and highlight the stress words. - I write a sentence of the second conditional * If I were you, I wouldn't quit my job. * What would you do if you were in my shoes? - I tell them we use the second conditional to demonstrate empathy and give advice and ask for advice.

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

- I ask the learners to complete the exercise in 3 min. - I ask them to work individually. - I will demo the first one with them. - I monitor them while they are answering the questions. - I let them check their answers together. - I check the answers with them.

Free Practice (10-15 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the second conditional.

- I ask them to think of an animal without telling anyone. - I ask them to imagine if they were that animal. - I ask them to answer the questions using the second conditional. - I give them 3 min to answer the questions. - I ask them to work in pairs and ask each other the questions and try to guess what animal they are. - I ask them to work in different pairs and ask each other the questions again. - I ask them to tell the class what animal they are. - I tell the learners that we are going to talk about '' what if conversation cards?" - I ask them to work in pairs and ask each other follow-up questions. - I give each pair number of cards. - I monitor them while they are talking. - I write down the errors they made.

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