Mellissa Del Barrio Mellissa Del Barrio

TP5 Del Barrio
Pre-Intermediate level


In this lesson, students learn functional language to talk about vacations through guided discovery based on an audio clip and dialogue. The lesson starts with a discussion about preparing for a vacation. This is followed by a gist task where students listen to an audio clip containing the targeted language and try to decide where the person in the clip wants to travel to. Analysis of the dialogue will continue with a matching activity to begin the explanation of MFPA. Finally there is some controlled practice through a gap-fill activity and free practice via an role-playing speaking activity.


Abc Students' Book

Main Aims

  • To practice and revise functional language to talk about vacations.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide speaking practice in a conversation in the context of vacations.
  • To provide listening practice in the context of vacations.


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

- Ensure Ss know what 'vacation' is first. - CCQs: What is a vacation? (holiday, trip, time off, go travel, visit) - Ask Ss to name things needed to prepare for a vacation. - T places first sticky note on the slide to demo for students. - Use sticky notes on Google Jamboard to keep track of Ss idea.

Exposure (6-8 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

Gist Task: - Ss will listen to audio clip of travel agent and person planning a trip while following along with the text on the screen Google Jamboard Slide 2. ----- Say: "Listen to the conversation between a travel agent and a person planning a trip. Try to guess where she wants to go." - Ss will guess where the client would like to travel using Google Jamboard Slide 3 to see three options. ----- Say: "I'll give you 1 minute to check your answers with your classmates." - ICQs: How much time do you have? (1 min) What are you trying to decide? (where she wants to go on vacation) - Elicit answers. Conduct OCFB. Intensive Task: - Ss will use Google Jamboard to complete matching activity to identify the TL within the dialogue about vacations Google Jamboard Slide 4-5 (Peer Check). -----Say "All of these lines were taken from the conversation. Try to drag each one into the correct circle. Work with your partner for 1 minute." - ICQs: How much time do you have? (1 min) Are you working alone or with a partner? (with a partner) - Check Jamboard slides where students conducted activity. - Conduct OCFB.

Language Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

- Ss completed matching activity w/ partner to correctly categorize functional language and explain Meaning. - T clarifies Meaning, Form, Pronunciation and Appropriacy on Google Jamboard Slide 6-7 beginning with 'asking about vacations', then 'talking about what you'd like'. Asking about vacations: 1. When/Where would you like to go? a.) Meaning/Appropriacy: Asking about vacations (neutral, informal) -- Elicited from Ss using Matching Activity GD and appropriacy elicited using scale on slide CCQs: - Are you asking about what they want or do not want? (want) - Are you asking about what they wanted in the past or now? (now) - Is this formal or informal? (informal) - Which one is more informal ‘when/where would you like to’ or ‘when/where do you want to’? (‘when/where do you want to’) b.) Form: When/Where would you like to + (verb complement)? -- Elicited from Ss based on example sentences. T will display example sentence and elicit the part of speech from student. The fixed expression will be color-coded and the unfixed will be in black. The black word will be replaced with the correct grammar words. FCQs: - Which part of the expression is fixed? (When/where would you like to) - Which part of the expression is unfixed? (go) - Can someone give me an example of something else you can say instead of the verb 'go'? (visit, stay, travel) c.) Pronunciation: WHEN/WHERE would you LIKE to -- Stress is indicated using a black bubble above the words on the slides, T will model pronunciation for students focusing on stress and intonation, then Drill chorally. 2. Would you rather fish or surf ? a.) Meaning/Appropriacy: Asking about vacations (neutral, informal) -- Elicited from Ss using Matching Activity GD CCQs: - How many things are you asking about? (two) - Are you asking about what they like or do not like? (like) - What are you trying to find out? (which one the person likes more) - What is another way to say 'would you rather ... or ...'? (do you want ... or ...) - Is this formal or informal? (informal) b.) Form: Would you rather + (verb) or (verb) -- Elicited from Ss based on example sentences. T will display example sentence and elicit the part of speech from student. The fixed expression will be color-coded and the unfixed will be in black. The black words will be replaced with the correct grammar words. FCQs: - Which part of the expression is fixed? (Would you rather, or) - Which part of the expression is unfixed? (fish, surf) - Can someone give me an example of something else you can say instead of the verbs 'fish' and 'surf'? (Ss can say any two activities e.g. fly or drive) c) Pronunciation: Would you RAther ... or ... -- Stress is indicated using a black bubble above the words on the slides, T will model pronunciation for students focusing on stress and intonation, then Drill chorally. Talking about what you'd like: 3. I'd like to go to a warm place. a.) Meaning/Appropriacy: Talking about what you'd like (neutral, informal) -- Elicited from Ss using Matching Activity GD and appropriacy elicited using scale on slide CCQs: - Are you asking about what they want or do not want? (want) - Is this formal or informal? (informal) - Which is more informal 'I want to' or 'I'd like to'? (I want to) - What does the I'd part mean? (I would) - Are you talking about the past or present? (present) b.) Form: I'd like to go to + ([article + adjective] + noun) -- Elicited from Ss based on example sentences. T will display example sentence and elicit the part of speech from student. The fixed expression will be color-coded and the unfixed will be in black. The black words will be replaced with the correct grammar words. FCQs: - Which part of the expression is fixed? (I'd like to go to) - Which part of the expression is unfixed? (a warm place) - Can someone give me an example of something else you can say instead of the unfixed expression 'a warm place'? (a big beach, a large park, a busy city) - What if I want to say the actual name of the place, how would I say it? (I'd like to go to + 'name of place'/proper noun) - Where is the contraction? (I'd = I would) - What is an article? (a, an, the) c) Pronunciation: I'd LIKE to GO to -- Stress is indicated using a black bubble above the words on the slides, T will model pronunciation for students focusing on stress and intonation, then Drill chorally. 4. It's not hot enough. a.) Meaning/Appropriacy: Talking about what you'd like (negative, informal) -- Elicited from Ss using Matching Activity GD and appropriacy elicited using scale on slide CCQs: - Does this have a positive or negative tone? (negative) - What would the speaker like? (more of it) - Is the speaker happy with how it is now? (no) - What does the It’s part mean? (It is) - Example: let's talk about the weather. I want to go somewhere cold, and where I'm at is not very cold. What would I say? (It's not cold enough) - Use scale: Which circle would 'it's not hot enough' be, if this is 'perfect' temperature? (small circle) b.) Form: It's not + (adjective) + enough. -- Elicited from Ss based on example sentences. T will display example sentence and elicit the part of speech from student. The fixed expression will be color-coded and the unfixed will be in black. The black words will be replaced with the correct grammar words. FCQs: - Which part of the expression is fixed? (It's not... enough) - Which part of the expression is unfixed? (hot) - Where is the contraction? (It's = It is) - Can someone give me an example of something else you can say instead of the adjective 'hot'? (cold, big, small) c.) Pronunciation: It's NOT... eNOUgh -- Stress is indicated using a black bubble above the words on the slides, T will model pronunciation for students focusing on stress and intonation, then Drill chorally. 5. It's too small! a.) Meaning/Appropriacy: Talking about what you'd like (negative, informal) -- Elicited from Ss using Matching Activity GD and appropriacy elicited using scale on slide CCQs: - Does this have a positive or negative tone? (negative) - What would the speaker like? (less of it) - Is the speaker happy with how it is now? (no) - What does the It's part mean? (It is) - Example: let's talk about the heat. I want to go somewhere hot, and where I'm at is not hot at all. What would I say? (It's too cold) - Use scale: Which circle would 'it's too cold' be, if this is 'perfect' temperature? (big circle) b.) Form: It's too + (adjective) -- Elicited from Ss based on example sentences. T will display example sentence and elicit the part of speech from student. The fixed expression will be color-coded and the unfixed will be in black. The black words will be replaced with the correct grammar words. FCQs: - Which part of the expression is fixed? (It's too) - Which part of the expression is unfixed? (small) - Where is the contraction? (It's = It is) - Can someone give me an example of something else you can say instead of the adjective 'small'? (cold, hot, big) c.) Pronunciation: It's TOO -- Stress is indicated using a black bubble above the words on the slides, T will model pronunciation for students focusing on stress and intonation, then Drill chorally.

Controlled Practice (6-8 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

- T shares Google Forms Gap Activity with Ss on screen and link in chat. - T demos the first one. ----- Say: "You have 2 minutes to complete the rest of this form. Try to fill in the blanks with the best answer on your own." - ICQs: How much time do you have? (2 minutes) Are you working alone or with a partner? (alone) - Ss complete form on own, then Ss work together in pairs/small groups (1 minute)(Peer Check). ----- Say: "I'll give you 1 minute to check your answers with your classmates." - ICQs: How much time do you have? (1 min) What are you going to do? (check answers) - Elicit answers. Conduct OCFB.

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

- T explains task using Google Jamboard Slide 8. ----- Say: "You have 6 minutes to work with your partner. One person is the travel agent and the other person is planning a trip. Try to find out where the person wants to go." -T provides Study Copy Jamboard for Ss to have TL for activity. Ss work in pairs to conduct role-play activity of travel agent and client. - ICQs: How many minutes? (6 minutes) Are you working alone or in pairs? (in pairs) One person is the? (travel agent/person planning a trip) - T ensures understanding of task and assigns roles as needed. - T monitors Ss for assistance and DEC points. - Conduct OCFB and DEC.

Delayed Error Correction (5-7 minutes) • To assist learners in developing language competence.

- T monitors students during FP and takes note of errors. - T writes errors on Jamboard Slide 9 and reviews with Ss. T tries to elicit corrections from Ss. ----- Say: "Can you tell me what is wrong with this sentence?" - T conducts GD OCFB and provides proper TL.

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