Santiago fernández Guerra Fletes Santiago fernández Guerra Fletes

TP6 speaking Santiago Fernández Guerra Fletes
Elementary level


In this lesson We are going to learn about using I would like, would you like? would you rather like? I would rather like... in a speaking-focused lesson emphasising fluency subskill with a minimal focus on precision. Within the context of going on holidays.


Main Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a expressing preferences and asking for preferences in the context of holidays and traveling

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist and scan reading practice using a text about These 8 best beaches in mexico will captivate you. in the context of Travel and holidays
  • Personal aims: Reduce TTT, Ss-centered guidence task, simpler tasks, focus on practice and time management
  • To provide clarification, review and practice of language used for Expresing opinions and requesting for opinions in the context of traveling and holidays


Warmer/Lead-in (3-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

1.- greet SS 2.- anecdote: I'm going on holiday with my brother he asked me "Where would you like to go" Write the question in the chat room. present a slide with different holiday spots. I said "I would like to go to Alaska" but he said " I would rather go to a warm place" Write the answer in the general chat. We decided that we wanted to go to a beach in Mexico. (1 minute) 3.- Now the teacher will give ss 1 minute to discuss where would they like to go on holidays using "Where would you like to go" ", "I would like to go to", I would rather go to " 4.- ICQ's: What are you going to discuss? Which question are you going to use and which sentences are you going to answer with? Is it individual or paired work? How much time do you have? 5.- break SS into SCBR and monitor their answers.(1 min) 6.- OCFB : Elicit 4 answers. Move to next stage. 1 min

Exposure (4-5 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading/listening

Share text: and confirm that they can see it 1.- The teacher will share the Text with questions in PDF and confirm that ss can see it. 2.- The teacher will say: Now guys look at this text. Now in pairs, I want you to answer these questions : What is the article about? Which beach is expensive? Where can I eat nice food? Where can I go to nice archaeological sites? Which beach would you like to go ? "I will give you 2 minutes to answer the questions in the group rooms." 3.- Demo answering some of the questions 4.- ICQ: Where are we going to find the answers? in the text What questions do we have to answer? Is it paired work? For the last question, do you have to use the sentences and questions in the chatbox? I would rather… I would like to go to... How much time do you have? 2 minutes 5.- break SS into SGBR and monitor their progress. 6.- OCFB:

Useful Language (11-14 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

Meaning and function: 1.- Share with the class and confirm that they can see it 2.- In pairs or groups ss will have two minutes to solve the questions. submit your answers when the time finishes. 3.- ICQ Are you going to solve the questions in pairs? yes How much time do you have? 2 min Do you have to be quick? yes Can I speak in Spanish? no 4.- break ss into SG and monitor their work. (2min) 5.-OCFB elicit answers from SS. 1 min Form: 1.- Share with the class and confirm that they can see it 2.- In pairs or groups ss will have two minutes to solve the questions. submit your answers when the time finishes. 3.- ICQ Are you going to solve the questions in pairs? yes How much time do you have? 2 min Do you have to be quick? yes Can I speak in Spanish? no 4.- break ss into SG and monitor their work. 5.-OCFB elicit answers from SS. 1 min Pronunciation: 1.- Present slide 2 2.- Explain pronunciation on word level on slide 2, and have ss repeat the phonemes and words (2 min). 3.- Now explain that in a sentence words have stress which is like the accent in Spanish. But only the information words. use slide 3 for the demo. Now ask SS to discuss as a group which words are stressed and write them down on the general chat. 4.- Pronounce each sentence and write their answers on the presentation. Elicit answers. 2 min. 5.- OCFB clarify the contraction of I would and word linking in a sentence. ask them to practice their pronunciation. 3 min

Productive Task(s) (18-20 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

1.- Now Tell ss that you are going to break them into groups and they will take turns to ask each other the following questions(paste questions on general chat): Where would you like to go in your holidays? What would you like to do in your holidays? Would you like to (choose action) on your holidays? What would you rather do? The other SS has to answer with A Yes, I would./no, I wouldn't B I would rather.... C I would like to.... They will have 2 minutes each, to ask the questions or to answer the questions. 2.- demo exercise with one ss. 1 min 3.- ICQ ask one SS : If you are asking the question what will you ask? ask each other the following questions(paste questions on general chat): Where would you like to go in your holidays? What would you like to do in your holidays? Would you like to (choose action) on your holidays? SS: if you are answering the question what answers will you use? A Yes, I would./no, I wouldn't B I would rather.... C I would like to.... after 2 minutes what will you do? switch How much time do you have? 4 minutes 4.- Break ss into SGC and monitor their work. 5.- OCFB 2 minutes 1.- Tell ss now we are going to repeat the same activity but now you have to ask your partner : What would you rather do? would you like to (make up an option) or would you rather (give a second option) Their partner will have to answer what they would rather do. and then you switch you have three minutes. 2.- demo exercise with one ss. 1 min 3.- ICQ ask one SS : If you are asking the question what will you ask? ask each other the following questions(paste questions on general chat): What would you rather do? would you like to (make up an option) or would you rather (give a second option) SS: if you are answering the question what answers will you use? A I would rather.... B I would like to.... How much time do you have? 2 minutes 3.- Break ss into groups and monitor their answers (3 min) OCFB: 2 min 1.- Open classroom question: Tell ss " Now I'm going to ask you a question and you have to answer and then ask a question to the next student. Where would you like to live, if you lived somewhere else? (clarify understanding of the question) 2.- tell them we have four minutes to complete the task. 3.- ICQ After I ask the question, do you repeat the same question or ask a different question with Would like? different question. How much time do we have to complete the exercise? 4 minutes 4.- demo exercise 5.- Monitor and aid ss to complete the task.

Feedback and Error Correction (4-6 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

DCE using zoom whiteboard

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