Nadja Vivas Nadja Vivas

TP 1- Listening- Nadja Vivas Online shopping
Intermediate level


Listening lesson in the context of online shopping


Main Aims

  • To provide gist and specific information listening practice in the context of online shopping

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice of phrases to express opinions in the context of online shopping


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

1. T introduces herself and asks ss to introduce themselves as well 2. T shows pictures on slide 1 a. T asks ss to predict the topic of the lesson. b. T asks ss to discuss the questions on slide 2 (How do you feel about online shopping? Do you shop online often?) in breakout rooms- 2:30min 3. Monitor 4. Share answers with the whole class in the main room

Pre-Reading/Listening (14-16 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

1. T shares Jamboard link to the checklist on the chat. 2. T asks ss to tick the things they love and hate about online shopping. 3. T asks if there's any other reason they love/hate online shopping. 4. T puts ss in breakout rooms.- 5min Monitor 5. ss go to the main room. T asks to share some of the things they agree with. T asks for any other reasons they have.- 2-3min 6. T introduces MFPA for the lexis: keen on, it's a nightmare, it's a bonus. MEANING CCQs keen on -Am I interested? yes -If I am keen on hiking, do I like it? yes it's a nightmare -Is it pleasant? Do I enjoy it? No -Is it something I would like to do again? no It's a bonus -Is it an additional? yes -Is it a positive or negative additional? positive Form reorganize the sentences on Jamboard breakout rooms- 2:30min Pronunciation Drilling. T asks ss to repeat the sentences then nominates ss to do it individually.- 3min Appropriacy T asks ss when would they use these phrases. Is it informal or neutral? -2min

While-Reading/Listening #1 (4-5 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading/listening tasks

1. T asks ss to decide which is the best title for the audio they will listen to. 2. T plays the recording.- 3:30min 3. Ss choose the answer

While-Reading/Listening #2 (9-11 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference reading/listening tasks

1. T sends the link to the slides where the activity and audio are attached. (slide 7) 2. T asks for volunteers to share their screen and audio in breakout rooms. 3. T explains the activity. (Listen to the audio and match each statement with the correct speaker) 4. Ss go to breakout rooms.-6-7min Monitor 5. Ss go back to the main room. 6. T creates new breakout rooms. Peer-check-2min Monitor 7. Ss go back to the main room. T asks for the answers. Feedback- 2min

Post-Reading/Listening (7-9 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

1. T shows slide 8 and asks ss to choose one of the options. (Talk about a time when you...). "try to use some of the phrases learnt today". Ask ss to choose which one they liked best. 2. Ss go to breakout rooms and share experiences.- 5-6min. (depending on the number of ss) Monitor 3. Share favorite stories in the main room.-2min 4. Correct errors.-2min

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