Reem Reem

Grammar '' used to ''
intermediate level


Abc HO 1 (Cutting Edge - intermediate - SB. p.56 )
Abc white board
Abc listening track
Abc smart board
Abc HO 2 (Cutting Edge - intermediate - WB. p.19)
Abc pictures

Main Aims

  • ● By the end of the lesson, students will be better able to interpret the meaning, pronunciation and form of “used to” in affirmative and negative forms to describe past habits in the context of life changes.

Subsidiary Aims

  • ● To provide fluency speaking practice using “used to” to refer to past habits.


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students.

1. Show the Ss different pictures. 2. Elicit some changes happened to the person/thing in the pictures. 3. Ask the Ss to discuss things they used to do in the past and they no longer do it and find things in common.

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through an audio.

1.Show students pictures and ask them to guess the title of the song. After eliciting the name of the title , students would guess what the song is talking about.. 2.Hand them HO1. Set the task and ask them to guess and fill the gaps with words from the box. Give a time limit of 2 minutes to answer. 3. Ask ICQs to check their understanding. ICQs>>Are you filling the gabs from the box? Are you using some of the words more than once? Are you finishing &checking answers with your partner in 10 minutes? 4. Ask them to listen to the song and check their answers. 5. For feedback, they check in pairs then look at the smart-board to check the correct answers.

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language and provide controlled oral practice and drilling.

- Ask learners to look at HO1 and answer question no.1. They would answer this question through matching each question to it's right answer. >> Key answers are : 1.d / 2. a &b /3.c -After asking learners to classify the sentences on the board in a table, Analyse each sentence using the appropriate time line. -Focus on repeated actions in the past sentences (We used to laugh a lot/ We had warm toast for tea ) on the WB. -Analyse the two sentences by clarifying the form (affirmative /negative), the meaning and the pronunciation of both of them. -Ask learners to complete the rule orally. -Model and drill '' used to'' sentence and focus on the contraction of the /d/ sound when it’s followed by /t/ sound. Remind them that if /t/ or /d/ sounds are followed with consonant sounds, we drop them. -Ask CCQs to check their understanding. past simple >> Is it for uncompleted action in the past? Could we do these past actions now? Can we negate it by didn’t + 2nd form? used to >> Is it to describe actions we do recently ? Did I do it once or many times? Could we do these past actions now? Can we negate it by (didn’t + used to +inf.) ? -Ask learners to throw a ball randomly to each other. Ask them to use past simple tense in (affirmative /negative) forms and used to in(affirmative /negative) to one sentence. -Monitor learners and assess their language.

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check understanding of the meaning/use and prepare students for more meaningful practice.

-Set the context of the task by identifying the main character Virginia and her life. -Set task (a) in WB. p.19 (Ho 2) and give clear instructions. -Ask ICQs to check their understanding. ICQs >> Are you going to write 5 sentences? Are you going to write about your life? Are you going to use used to/didn’t use to ? -Demonstrate the 1st sentence with the students. -Ask ss. to check their answers in pairs. -Display the answer key on the board . -Ask ss. about the challenging questions for them and clear any difficulties.

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language.

-Set the task by asking ss. to tell their partners in pairs about things they used or didn’t use to do in the past in 5 minutes. -Ask ICQs to check their understanding. ICQs >> Are you working individually ? Are you telling things you do recently? Are you using used to & didn’t use to? -Ask ss. to mingle to work with different peers to discover things in common between them. -Give ss. content and linguistic feedback and praise their good sentences and ask them to find the mistakes in the incorrect ones.

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