Hasti Hasti

TP 2
Pre intermediate level


Abc audio
Abc HO

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of Infinitive & gerund _ would like/would love to do

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist and specific information listening practice using a text about objects for future or specific time
  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a what would they like to do?


Warmer/Lead-in (13-15 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

I provide some topics to make ss to talk about their daily routine and what they like to add and spending their time or maybe their future plan. By asking Qs such as " what's your favorite hobby? " or which routine of your life you want to change? " I can use the structure in SB exercise like "one day/ I want to..." & "tonight I'm..." & "right now , I'd like to..." & "this weekend I'm going to..." ( WRITE THESE ON THE BOARD )

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

Now it's time to give them the paper of the lesson. then tell them to take a look at the pictures below so after few minute share their idea to the class. and during the speaking I also give the definition of some words so there wouldn't be anything strange. NOTE KEY Q "How they can solve their problems in ur idea?"

Highlighting (8-10 minutes) • LISTENING T5.1

It's time to work in peer to do ex 2. then I play the listening part to check their answer and say to class what else does each person said? (FIRST work in peer & by their own , SECOND share with class) After that I play again to complete the ex 3.(CHECK TO CLASS)

Clarification (13-15 minutes) • GRAMMAR (verb pattern)

Here I explain and clarify the infinitive and gerund with examples depend on p140 & p158. also iI should have CCQ to make sure that they get the context. "what is the different between these sentences?"(MY NOTES) - I like working as a teacher. - I'd like to be a teacher. Then having peer practicing to speak about what they like by using the grammar.

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • Turn to practice part & T5.2 / T5.3

on page 39 , ss should do ex 1 by what they learnt then I would play the listening part to check the answer. Then do ex 2 in peer and write them on their notebook after that check with the listening.

Semi-Controlled Practice (13-15 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice (GROUP WORKING)

NOTE " I would review the Q form" Depend on ex 3 they should complete the exercise with their partner then Check with T5.4 . So I make them in groups to preparing a short dialogue then speak and discuss together.

Free Practice (5-7 minutes)

Related to ex 4 : want a volunteer to read all 4 questions then talk about them in the class. NOTE " Pay attention to silent ss "

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