Ana Laura Romero Ana Laura Romero

TP 8. Writing
A2 level


Abc PowerPoint slides
Abc Handout 1: Celebrate!
Abc Handout 2: "Complete the rules"
Abc Handout 3: Sentences
Abc Handout 4: Google doc. for writing

Main Aims

  • To provide product writing practice of a descriptive paragraph in the context of festivals and celebrations.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice of sentece order and punctuation (period and comma) in the context of writing a descriptive paragraph.


Lead-in (3-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

1. I will show Ss three different pictures of celebrations and I will ask them the following questions: -What is happening in the pictures? -What countries do you think the pictures are from?

Exposure (7-8 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading.

1. I will show an article about celebrations and I will tell Ss to scan the text and tell me: -Where do you find this article? a) in a newspaper b) in an academic journal - What are the features that helped you to find the answer: Possible options: photographs, color of text, length of paragraphs, title, number of paragraphs, layout of the article... 2. I will ask Ss to individually read two paragraphs from the text in one minute and tell me where these celebrations come from. 3. Then, I will give them Handout 1 with the same paragraphs but different ideas will be underlined with different colors. I will give them a list to match the colors to the categories of information. I will demo the first two ideas. I will give them 2 mins to complete the activity. 4. I will send SS to BORs to compare their answers in 3 minutes. I will conduct OCFB.

Useful Language (9-10 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

MEANING 1. I will send to Ss Handout 2 with an extract from the previous reading text and I will ask them to observe it. Then, I will ask them to help me to complete the rules of using "periods." Then, I will give them one minute to work individually and complete the rules of using "commas." 2. I will tell Ss to work in pairs to compare their answers via BORs. I will give them 2 mins. 3. I will show the answer key and conduct OCFB. FORM 1. I will show Ss Handout 3 (Google document) with three different simple sentences. I will ask them the following questions and indicate to them to write on the google doc. their options to modify the sentences. a) My mother likes flowers. FCQ1: What kind of word is “like”? (A verb/ action) FCQ2: Who is doing the action? (The mother) FCQ3: What other words can you write after “likes”? (Chocolates, birds, movies…) b) Sandra is very angry. FCQ1: What is the verb in this sentence? (is) FCQ2: Who is very angry? (Sandra) FCQ3: What is the subject? (Sandra) FCQ4: What other things can you write after “is” to describe Sandra? (Very happy, funny, sad, smart…) c) They work every day. FCQ1: What do “they” do? (They work) FCQ2: When do they work? (Every day) FCQ3: Can we add where they work? (Yes) FCQ4: Where do they work? Can you give an example? (In the hospital, in the city…) FCQ5: Can we add why the work? (Yes) FCQ6: Why do they work? Can you give an example? (Because they need money…) FCQ7: Can we add how or the way they work? (Yes) FCQ8: How do they do the work? Can you give an example? (Very well, too fast…)

Productive Task(s) (16-18 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

1. I will give my Ss Handout 4 (Google doc) with a table to write sentences about a celebration in their countries. They should write only one sentence for each category. I will give them five minutes to work individually. I will monitor the activity. 2. I will ask my students to join the sentences to write a paragraph and I will encourage them to add more information. Also, I will emphasize that they must be using commas, periods, and capital letters. I will give them 8 to 10 minutes.

Feedback and Error Correction (8-9 minutes) • Ss provide feedback on peers' production

1. I will show Ss a sample text and a rubric. I will ask them if the text follows each point and I will write YES or NO. 2. I will assign a text to each Ss to read it and review it with the checklist. (I will paste the checklist after each paragraph) 3. I will conduct OCFB by asking students about the results of their reviews and telling their peers how to improve their paragraphs.

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