Ana Laura Romero Ana Laura Romero

Grammar: there is/are
A2 level


Abc PowerPoint slides
Abc Handout 1: Homestay Holidays
Abc Handout 2. Fill in the gaps
Abc Handout 3: find the differences
Abc Google Forms: "There is/are MFP"

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of there is and there are in the context of places in a neighborhood.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of their neighborhood.
  • To provide gist reading practice using a text about neighborhoods.


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

1. I will show an image with common places in a city/neighborhood and I will ask my Ss to tell me the names of the places and which is the most famous one they know. I will model the first example by talking about a park or a café in my neighborhood.

Text-work (6-8 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

1. I will ask my Ss what is the meaning of "homestay." After they make some guesses, I will send Handout 1 and I will give them 1 minute to read for gist. 2. After the reading, I will ask the same question and give the right definition. I will ask if they have had any experience with this kind of accommodation or if they would like to stay in a place like this and why. 3. I will give my Ss three summaries of the paragraphs in the reading. They have to identify the incorrect words in bold and write the correct word. I will demo the first correction. I will give my Ss 3 mins to work individually. If there is enough time I will send them to BORs to compare their answers in one or two mins. 4. I will conduct the OCFB.

Language clarification (10-12 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

MEANING 1. I will send a Google form to my Ss. and I will ask them to answer only the first section. I will give them 1 or 2 mins. 2. I will ask them the questions on the G. Forms again for OCFB. 3. I will show them the images of two different cities and I will ask them the following questions: CCQ1: There is a supermarket: A CCQ2: There isn’t a lake: B CCQ3: There are two restaurants: A CCQ4: There aren’t cars parking: B FORM 1. I will tell my Ss to go to the next section on the G. Form and will give them 1 or 2 minutes to answer the questions. 2. I will ask them the questions on the G. Forms again for OCFB. 3. I will ask the following questions: FCQ1: What verb do you need after “there”? (The verb be) FCQ2: Does this verb can be in other tenses? (Yes, it can be present, past, or future) FCQ3: What is after the verb? (The subject, for example, an object or a place) FCQ4: What do you need to add for the negative form and where should be placed? (“Not” after the verb “be”) FCQ2: What is first in the question form? (The verb “be”) PRONUNCIATION I will model a positive, a negative, and an interrogative sentence. Then, I will ask Ss to identify the number of syllables and stress in the content words. I will ask Ss to drill. There are lots of shops and museums. /ðɛr ɑr lɑts ʌv ʃɑps ænd mjuˈziəmz/ There isn’t an airport. /ðɛr ˈɪzənt ən ˈɛrˌpɔrt./ Are there any restaurants? /ɑr ðɛr ˈɛni ˈrɛstəˌrɑnts?/

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

2. I will show Ss Handout 2 and I will demo the first answer by filling in the gaps using there is/ are in the positive, negative, and interrogative forms. I will nominate Ss to tell me the instructions. I will give them 3 minutes to complete the activity. 3. I will tell my Ss to compare their answers via BORs. I will give them 3 minutes. I will monitor the activity. 4. I will show the answer key on the screen and I will conduct OCFB.

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

1. I will show my Ss the images of two different cities and I will show them one difference between them. I will ask them to tell me one or two more differences. I will give them OCF if necessary. 2. I will send to my Ss Handout 3 and I will tell them to work in pairs via BORs to find out all the differences. I will give them 5 minutes. I will monitor the activity. 3. I will ask them how many differences they found and I will conduct OCFB and DEC.

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