Kyle Kyle

TP 5
Pre-Intermediate level


A speaking lesson in the context of talking about future goals and dreams.


Main Aims

  • To enable students to effectively describe their future dreams and goals using a set series of expressions.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To give students an opportunity to describe past achievements (in the lead-in).


Warmer/Lead-in (4-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Teacher shows a Jamboard with a question on it: what was one of your biggest achievement. Teacher provides an example from his own life, then asks the students what their biggest achievements were in OC. Afterward, teacher tells students that now that we've talked big achievements in our past, we will now talk about what we want to achieve in the future.

Exposure (5-6 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading/listening

Show students a Jamboard (Speaking Exposure) that has sticky notes with people's names and pictures of their future goals and dreams. Tell students they will listen to the audio files and match the sticky notes to the pictures on their own assigned Jamboards. Then, play the audio samples. After listening, check answers in OCF. Answers: Bill - visit Ireland Deb - red Ferrari Ian - house Ralph - visit the Taj Mahal in India CCQs: Have they done these things yet? (No) Will they do these things? (Maybe) Do they want to do these things? (Yes)

Useful Language (6-7 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

Teacher does MFP with three expressions from the Exposure task Expressions: 1. One (noun) I’d like to (verb base form) one day is (noun) 2. I’ve always wanted to (verb base form) + (noun) 3. I’d also like to (verb base form) + (noun) Meaning: 1. Expresses something you want to do someday. 2. Expresses something that you want to do someday and that you've wanted to do for a very long time. Stronger than the first in desire. 3. Expresses an additional thing you want to do someday. Form: Teacher elicits ideas from students regarding what words can be placed in the parentheses. Teacher provides an example at first if students are having difficulty. Ex: 1. One (place) I'd like to (visit) one day is (Ireland). 2. I've always wanted to (own a Ferrari). 3. I'd also like to (see the Taj Mahal). Pronunciation: Drill students in repeating certain sentences. In particularly, teacher will focus on the pronunciation of I'd and drill this while checking that students are properly conjugating "I would" to "I'd."

Productive Task(s) (18-20 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

Teacher tells students that now, we will discuss our own future goals and dreams. Teacher instructs students that in open class (if three students or less are attending) or in BORs (if four students or more), they will have short conversations using the learned expressions to express their future dreams and goals with regard to various set topics. These topics will be listed on Jamboards, with each Jamboard having a separate topic. Have the students discuss the topics over the course of several rounds. If there are enough students to do BORs, do OCF after each round asking students about their answers. Teacher notes students' answers on the Jamboard and asks students to react to each other's dreams. If there are not enough students to do BORs, teacher still notes students' answers on the Jamboard and asks students to reach to each others' dreams, but will prompt students to react to each others' dreams during the round, not after. Round 1: A place you'd like to live in or visit Round 2: Something that you would like to own (ex: car, house, etc.) Round 3: Something that you would like to learn (ex: a language, computer programming, etc.)

Feedback and Error Correction (5-6 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

Ask for feedback on the conversations. Who had the most interesting goal or dream? Delayed Error Correction if required. Bring the class to a conclusion by wishing the students the best of luck in fulfilling their dreams and accomplishing their goals.

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