Listening and reading 54
Pre intermediate level
In this reading Ss learn simple past (focused on regular verbs) through guided discovery based on a reading about England's royal family .
Lesson starts with a listening practice about the text, after that there is a grammar lesson about simple past
Main Aims
To provide clarification of Simple past in the context of Reading about England's royal family
By the end of the lesson Ss should be able to know how to use regular verbs in simple past tense.
Subsidiary Aims
To teach Ss some political facts about England's royal family
Procedure (31-17 minutes)
Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To acquaint Ss with the atmosphere of the lesson
Showing some pictures and videos, then ask students to guess the reading's topic
Presentation (10-12 minutes) • To clarify the stracture of simple past (focused on regular verbs)
To aquaint Ss with the stracture of simple past by drawing a table on the board. To clarify the differences between regular and irregular verbs by finding them in the dictionary
Controlled practice (8 minutes) • To make Ss versed in using simple past and how to use regular verbs
Ask Ss to make some sentences and read them to the others. Ask them to do the practice in the grammar bank.
Freer practice (10 minutes) • To increase their speaking confidence through presentation of found information
Ask students so search the web and find some information about England's royal family and princess Diana
Feedback • To correct Ss problems on their use of target language
Ask more educated Ss correct less educated Ss pronunciational and grammatical errors
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