Ghada Elsayed Ghada Elsayed

TP- Ghada Elsayed
elementary level


In this session, the students will learn new vocabulary to describe the weather through TTT approach. First they will have a task to match the four seasons with the words. Then I will go through language clarification (meaning, form and pronunciation). After that they will have another task; They will match the weather words to their pictures. Then I will go through language clarification; (meaning, form and pronunciation). After that, they will have a speaking activity to talk about the city in their country they would like its weather.


Abc Face2Face, elementary, PP. 56,57

Main Aims

  • Students will have learnt new vocabulary to describe the weather.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Students will have practiced speaking for fluency to talk about the weather in their country.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

I will show the students two pictures for the weather and four seasons and ask the students two questions: 1- What is the weather like in Egypt? 2- What's your favourite season?

Test #1 (5-7 minutes) • To gauge students' prior knowledge of the target language

Students will match the four seasons pictures to the words. They will have four pictures of winter, spring, summer and autumn and they are asked to match the pictures a-d to the words. They will do it individually first for 3 minutes, then in groups for 2 minutes.

Teach (7-10 minutes) • To clarify areas of the target language where students had difficulty in the first test stage

I'll clarify the four words going through meaning form and pronunciation. I'll use pictures and CCQs. I'll show them the picture first then ask some questions: Which season is this? - winter. What can you see? - ice. Is it cold or hot in winter? -cold. What do you wear in winter? Coats or shorts? -coats. How are trees in winter? Are they active? Can you see the leaves and fruit? No. They are sleeping. Is it a verb or a noun? - A noun. I'll hide the word and ask the students to repeat after me and identify the stressed syllable. I'll show the second picture. Which season is this? - Spring. What can you see? -flowers. Is it cold or warm in spring? -warm. How are trees in winter? Are they active? Can you see the leaves and fruit? Yes. Trees and flowers grow. Is it a verb or a noun? - A noun. I'll hide the word and ask the students to repeat after me and identify the stressed syllable. I'll show the third picture. Which season is this? - Summer. What can you see? -I can see the sun.. Is it cold or hot in summer? -hot. What do people wear in summer? Coats or t-shirts? T-shirts. Is it a verb or a noun? - A noun. I'll hide the word and ask the students to repeat after me and identify the stressed syllable. I'll show the the fourth one. Which season is this? - Autumn. What can you see? -flowers. Is it cold or cool or warm in autumn? -cool. How are trees in autumn? Are they green? No. Leaves are falling.. Is it a verb or a noun? - A noun. I'll hide the word and ask the students to repeat after me and identify the stressed syllable.

Test #2 (8-10 minutes) • Check students' use of the target language again and compare with the first test

I'll give students another exercise to answer. They will match the weather words to their pictures. They will have ten pictures and ten words and they will match them together. They will work individually first, then in groups. After finishing we will check the answers together.

Teach (10-12 minutes) • To check students' understanding and use of target language.

I'll clarify the words in the exercise going through meaning, form and pronunciation. Words: foggy - raining - snowing - windy - cloudy - sunny - degrees - hot - warm - cold. I'll show pictures and ask questions. Example: I'll show the picture and ask a question: What is the weather like today? It's raining. What can you see? - Rain. Is raining a verb or a noun? A verb. What is the noun? Rain. Can you guess the adjective? Rainy. I'll hide the word and ask them to repeat after me identifying the stressed syllable. I'll do the same to the other words.

Free practice (7-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Students will practice speaking for fluency to answer these questions. - Which place in your country has the best weather? What is it like?

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