Mariam Mariam

TP8_Mariam Mahmoud
ELEMENTARY Group 1 level


In this lesson, the students are going to learn how to use (should & shouldn't) to give advice and recommendations. This language lesson will be based on a listening text which I assume will help the students elicit the Target Language much easily.


Abc face2face (SB) P81
Abc face 2 face Audio tracks (CD3 12)
Abc HOs_teacher made.

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of should and shouldn't in the context of seeing a doctor.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist listening practice using a text about should & shouldn't in the context of seeing a doctor.


Lead-in. (3-5 minutes) • To engage the students and get them ready for eliciting the TL.

In this procedure, The students are going to discuss the question "Do you think you have a healthy lifestyle?" which will open up the conversation for what we should and shouldn't do to have a healthy routine in our life.

Listen for gist (5-10 minutes) • to provide the students with the opportunity to elicit the Target Language.

In this task, the students will listen to an Audio track of a conversation between a doctor and a patient which includes recommendations and advice using (should) and (shouldn't). The students will listen and try to complete the gaps in the sentences in addition to discussing some questions about Mrs Lee's lifestyle -e.g. 'What do you think Lee should do to move more?" / "How can she have a healthy diet?"- trying to come up with useful advice.

Clarifying Language (15-20 minutes) • To clarify the grammar of 'should' and 'should not'.

In this stage, the Target Language will be elicited and clarified starting with the meaning, then the form and the pronunciation. A marker sentence will be used for that and then I'll give the chance to the students to extract the TL by underlining (should) and (shouldn't) in the rest of the sentences given. To check the students' understanding of the TL meaning, I'm going to ask CCQs like: Do we use it to give an order? (No) / Do you use it to give advice and recommendations? (Yes). / Is it obligatory to apply this advice? (No). For the form: The marker sentence will be used and I'll try to elicit it from the students. For the pronunciation: I'm going to use the marker sentence to underline the stressed parts as well as illustrate the proper pronunciation by modelling and drilling.

Controlled practice. (5-8 minutes) • To allow the ss automise using the TL properly.

For this step, students will be given 10 sentences to complete the blanks using (should) or (shouldn't) in the context of being healthy. They are going to complete them in pairs first in their Breakout rooms for 4 minutes, then expose their answers to the whole class for receiving a feedback. Before assigning them into the Breakout rooms, I'm going to ask them ICQs: e.g. -Are you going to work alone? (No) -Will you help your partner to complete the answers? (Yes) -Will you stay for 5 minutes? (No)" to make sure they understand the task they are going to do.

Freer practice. (5-8 minutes) • To enable the students to use the target language at their disposal.

In this last stage, the students are going to pick a random problem from a list shown on the screen and have a pair discussion on how to fix this problem by giving each other advice and suitable recommendations using (should) and (shouldn't). Afterwards, they will come back for the feedback and tell me what their partners have recommended them.

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