Ana Laura Romero Ana Laura Romero

TP6 speaking practice
A2 level


In this lesson, SS will practice speaking fluency in the context of talking about possessions.


Abc CD1. Track 35
Abc Handout 1: Mary and Alan
Abc PowerPoint slides
Abc Handout 2: survey

Main Aims

  • To provide speaking fluency practice in the context of talking about personal possessions.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice of "have got: questions and short answers" in the context of personal possessions


Lead-in (4-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

1. I will show a picture of what is in my bag and I will tell my Ss what are my basics to go anywhere. I will write in a Jamboard my top 5 of these objects. 2. I will ask my Ss to write in a Jamboard the top 5 of their daily essentials. I will set 2 minutes for this activity.

Content Preparation (8-9 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through listening

1. I will show my Ss a picture of three people in an electrical shop. I will tell them two are the customers (Alan and Mary) and the other is the shop assistant. I will point out that the sales assistant is doing a survey to find out what electrical products people have got, so they are going to listen to Alan and Mary answering her questions. 2. Before playing the recording, I will give my Ss Handout 1. I will explain that they have to complete a table with two columns by indicating what products Mary and Alan have got. I will model the first answer and ask some questions to ensure understanding. Then, I will play the recording. 3. If there are four or more Ss, I will send them to BORs for two minutes to compare their answers. If not, we are going to compare answers in the main room. Then, we are going to listen to the audio again. 4. I will show the answer key and conduct the OCFB.

Language Preparation (8-10 minutes) • To prepare Ss to the language needed for the task

MEANING 1. I will show Ss three cartoons with the positive, the negative, and the question form of "have got." then, I will ask the following: Positive: CCQ1: Who is the owner of the car? (The man/ the driver) CCQ2: Is this situation in the past? (No, is in the present) CCQ3: Is this a formal or an informal situation? (Informal) Negative: CCQ1: Does the man on the right can give money to the robber? (No) CCQ2: Does the man say that he will have money in the future? (No) CCQ3: Does de man say he had money before? (No) CCQ4: Is this a formal or an informal situation? (Informal) Question: CCQ1: Who should give the product? (The man/ the shopkeeper) CCQ2: When does the woman need to buy rice? (Right now/ in the present) CCQ3: Is this a formal or an informal situation? (Informal) APPROPRIACY 1. I will explain that "have" and "have got" have the same meaning, but “have” is a little more formal. FORM 1. I will add more example sentences to each form and ask the following questions: Positive: a) I’ve got a laptop. = I have got a laptop. b) He’s got a new car. = He has got a new car. Negative: c) I haven’t got any money. = I have not got any money. d) We haven’t got a car. = We have not got a car. FCQ1: What is the complete form of “I’ve” and “He’s”? (I have and He has) FCQ2: What verb changes in sentence b)? (Have to has) FCQ3: Why has it changed? (Because is the third person in the present tense) FCQ4: What do you need to add to the negative form? (Not after the verb have) FCQ5: Why is not “any” in the sentence d)? (Because the car is singular) FCQ6: Are these sentences in the past, present, or future? (Present) FCQ7: Can we use have got in the past or future? (No) Yes/No questions Have you got any rice? Short answers Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t. Wh- questions What have you got in your bag? FCQ8: What do you have to change in the question forms? (The order: from you have to have you) FCQ9: What is the difference between the short answers and the sentences from a) to d)? (We don’t say got and we don’t give more information) FCQ10: What do you need to add if you ask for information? (What, when, where, why, or who in at the beginning of the question) PRONUNCIATION I will ask Ss to tell me the number of syllables and the stress of the content words in the phrases from the previous point. I will model the words and links on all the phrases. I will ask Ss to drill. a) They’ve got a new TV. / ðeɪv ɡɑt ə nu ˈtiˈvi/ b) I haven’t got a laptop. /aɪ ˈhævənt ɡɑt ə ˈlæpˌtɑp/ c) Has she got a new bicycle? /həz ʃi ɡɑt ə nu ˈbaɪsɪkəl?/ d) What have you got in your bag? / wɑt həv jʊ ɡɑt ɪn jər bæɡ?/

Productive Task(s) (14-15 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

1. I will show my Ss a similar table to the one from Handout 1. I will ask them how to ask a yes/no question for the first product and I will write it at the top of the slide. I will answer the question and I will ask the same question to some learners. 2. If there are enough Ss I will give them Handout 2 with two different tables and I will tell them to choose one and do the survey to a partner in a BOR. I will give 5 minutes to my Ss. In case, there are not enough Ss, they will do the survey in the main room. I will monitor the activity and conduct OCFB. 3. I will show Ss a table of an imaginary student and I will ask them to tell me one object she's got and one she hasn't got. I will write the sentences on the top of the slide. I will tell the Ss to tell the answers of the survey to a different partner via BORs. I will give them five minutes. I will monitor the activity and take notes for the next stage.

Feedback and Error Correction (5-6 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

1. I will provide Ss with feedback on language based on my monitoring from the previous task. I will write on the slides some sentences I heard in the BORs and I will ask them to correct them. I will write also the following sentences: a) One day, we will have got our own home. b) Has got your son a bicycle? c) Have you got any pencil?

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