Spencer Spencer

TP7 - Speaking (Places)
Advanced level


Abc Zoom

Main Aims

  • For students to practice their speaking skills in the context of places.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To review lexis pertaining to travel and place naming.


Warmer/Lead-in (4-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Ss watch a three minute video about Ha Long Bay in Vietnam, where it is, and what you can do there. T asks Ss what they learned about Ha Long Bay: What did you see? Where is Ha Long Bay? What can you do there?

Preparation (8-10 minutes) • To prepare Ss for extended discussion with Useful Language

Ss are shown the beginning of the question, "What is/are...", and can see three prompts, one of which is answered. … the Great Pyramids of Giza? They are stone monuments in Egypt built for the pharaohs long ago. Ss give answers to the remaining prompts before moving on to the next slide. There are three more slides with the following questions: Where is/are... What do/does _____ have? What can you do... Ss answer prompts in the same way. CCQs Where in "Where the grocery store?' does my voice rise/fall? Is it better to say it like "this" or like "this"? (speaking in varying tones) Is it polite to say it like "this"? How would you answer "What does (Paris) have for fun?" Is "Bakeries in Paris there are" correct? How can we correct it?

Productive Task(s) (20-25 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

T informs Ss that they will be put into BORs to discuss whether a fancy restaurant or a live concert is a better date. Ss are to use the TL reviewed in the previous section to achieve this. After four minutes, Ss switch partners and have the same discussion. T asks Ss what they like and don't like about each location. Ss are then sent into BORs to ask each other about their homes and where they come from. They can ask the following questions: Where is your home? What can you do in your house/city? What do you like about your house/city? Partners switch after four minutes and have the same discussion. Ss then share what they learned in BORs.

Feedback and Error Correction (4-6 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

To displays several sentences or phrases that Ss used that need correct. Ss identify errors and offer corrections.

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