Nissma Nissma

Speaking (Birthday Celebration)
Intermediate level


In this lesson,


Abc Rearranging Exercise
Abc Gap-fill handout
Abc PowerPoint Presentation
Abc White Board
Abc Discussion
Abc Speaking Task

Main Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a narrative in the context of birthday celebration

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of connectors (time and contrast)
  • To provide accuracy speaking practice in a narrative focusing on the useful language in the context of birthday celebration


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

I will display a picture of someone on their birthday to elicit the topic of the lesson. Ss will discuss in pairs two questions: When is your birthday? What do you usually do on your birthday? O/C feedback will follow.

Pre-Teaching Vocabulary (3-4 minutes) • To clarify some difficult words for the following stage

I will elicit the following words to make the following stage accessible: - Celebrate - Decline - Make a reservation/reserve I will drill the words in meaningful sentences and write them on the white board.

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide a model of the task and highlight useful words and phrases

I will give the Ss handouts. Ss will try to guess my story by arranging the events that happened on my birthday. Ss will do this exercise alone. Time limit: 2 minutes I will demo the first one with the Ss. ICQs: Are you going to arrange the events or match? (Arrange) Are you going to work alone or in pairs? (Alone) I will tell an anecdote about my last birthday and how I celebrated it. Ss will listen and check their answers afterwards. An answer key will be provided.

Useful Language (4-5 minutes) • To provide vocabulary for the students to use in the following task

Exercise 2: I will first elicit the meaning of the words between brackets by using CCQs and write them on the board. Then I will ask the students to fill in the gaps using these words. Students will do this individually and then check in pairs. ICQs: Are you going to work alone or in pairs? (Alone) Can you use a word more than once? (No) An answer key will be provided. I will drill the useful language with the students.

Planning (5-6 minutes) • To provide an opportunity for the students to think of a birthday story and plan

Ss will be asked to think of the last birthday they had and how they celebrated it. Ss will write down keywords for their stories (6-10 words). Reformulation: Ss will be allowed to ask for help if they get stuck. I will write the words that the Ss ask me about on the white board. ICQs: • Are you going to discuss or write the events of your last birthday? (Write) • Are you doing to write a whole sentence or just some words? (Some words) • Do you have 5 or 10 minutes? (5 minutes)

Task (8-10 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice speaking skills

Ss will tell their partners their stories using the useful language (eventually, even though…). Each student will have 3 minutes to talk. ICQs: • Are you going to ask your partner questions? (No) • Are you going to tell your partner your story? (Yes) • Are you going to use words like ‘eventually’? (Yes) I will monitor and take notes. I will then write some correct and incorrect sentences/words on the white board.

Report (4-6 minutes) • To allow students to report on how they did the task and how it went

I will ask the Ss whether the sentences/words I've written on the board are correct or incorrect. I will demo the first one with them and they will do the rest in pairs. Time limit: 2 minutes ICQs: Are all of these sentences/words incorrect? (No, some of them are correct.) Lastly, I will check the answers with them.

Language Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with practice of the task language

Ss will switch partners and retell their stories while avoiding the mistakes they've made during the task. Each student will have 3 minutes to tell their story.

Content Feedback (3-4 minutes) • To provide content feedback for the students

I will ask the Ss which story they liked best and to mention the reason.

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