Aya Mousamer Aya Mousamer

Clothes Reading Lesson
Elementry level


In this lesson, students learn about one of the most important psychological concepts through a very useful reading lesson. The lesson is based on an article about Seasonal Affective Depression which happens to some people in winter because of the short day light. It starts with a personalised lead-in about myself to engage the students into the context. Secondly, I move with them to some pre-teach vocabulary not to be a burden for the students with the rest of the class. In addition, I move to the while reading 1 stage, I ask them to read only the first paragraph to ask only one specific question. Next, I move to the detailed reading task asking them to read the whole article and answering some detailed questions. Finally moving to the post speaking task to freely practice what they learned followed with language and content feedback through a kahoot game.


Abc Handout 1
Abc Handout 2
Abc Handout 3

Main Aims

  • To provide gist and detailed reading practice using a text about Seasonal Affective Depression in the context of winter blues

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy and fluency speaking practice in a Seasonal Affective Depression in the context of winter blues


Warmer/Lead-in (3-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

I am going to show the students some pictures of mine while I have my winter blues and others while I do not. I am going to use some CCQs to check if they got the idea of "winter blues". CCQs: 1- Am I happy or sad in this picture? Sad 2- Am I wearing a coat or a light blouse? A coat 3- Is this picture in winter or summer? Winter Next, I am going to ask them to talk briefly if they knew SAD concept before or not.

Pre-Teach Vocabulary (4-5 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

To discuss the following 5 vocabulary that might stop students from understanding the text: 1- depressed 2- winter blues 3- light box 4- treatment 5- SAD I am going to elicit the meaning of them supported with pictures, examples and CCQs. 1- depressed Meaning: unhappy and without hope 2- winter blues Meaning: winter depression 3- light box Meaning: a box that shines with a bright artificial light similar to natural light, used to treat conditions such as SAD (= sadness and low energy caused by lack of light in winter), sleep problems, and skin problems. 4- treatment Meaning: the use of drugs, exercises, etc. to cure a person of an illness 5- SAD Meaning: an abbreviation for seasonal affective disorder: a medical condition in which a person does not have much energy and enthusiasm during the winter because of the reduced period of natural light I am going to use CCQs to assure that they got the meaning clearly: 1- Is the boy happy? No 2- What is that monster? depression 3- Do we have winter blues in summer? No 4- Is the light box helpful? Yes 5- Is bright light an illness? No 6- Is SAD an illness? Yes For the pronunciation, I am going to model and drill in chunks and show the linking in them. I am going to elicit the word stress. Eliciting the weak form. 1- depressed -Phonemic script: /dɪˈprest/ -Stress: is on the second syllable. 2- winter blues -Phonemic script: /ˈwɪntə bluːz/ -Stress: is on the first syllable of the word "winter" 3- light box -Phonemic script: /ˈlaɪt ˌbɒks/ -Stress: is on the first word "light" 4- treatment -Phonemic script: /ˈtriːtmənt/ -Stress: is on the first syllable 5- SAD -Phonemic script: /ˌes.eɪˈdiː/ -Stress: is on the last letter of the abbreviation. Form: I am going to elicit rapidly the form asking the students is it a noun, a verb, or an abbreviation. 1- depressed: is an adjective 2- winter blues: is an idiom 3- light box: is a countable noun 4- treatment: is an uncountable noun 5- SAD: is an abbreviation

While-Reading #1 (4-5 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading/listening tasks

I am going to introduce the topic of the article to the students. I am going to ask students to read individually the first paragraph and answer the question in EX.2.b. ICQs: 1- Are you reading the whole article or only the first paragraph? only the first paragraph. 2- Are you reading individually? Yes I am going to let them discuss their answers in the main room while I am asking for justification.

While-Reading #2 (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference reading tasks

I am going to ask them to read the whole article and answer the questions of exercise 2.c. Then, I am going to send them to the breakout rooms for a couple of minutes to discuss their answers. I am going to get them back to the main room and discuss the answers through asking them for justification.

Post-Reading (Speaking) (10-11 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

I am going to show the students a slide with a couple of questions which I want them to discuss together with their partners. I am going to ask the them to go to the breakout rooms to discuss together and I need them when they get back to the main room to talk about their partners if they have SAD in winter or not.

Content Feedback (5-6 minutes) • To provide students with feedback on clarity, coherence and effectiveness.

I am going to wrap up the ideas which were discussed in the session through a kahoot game. 1- Does healthy Hannah mean to love fast food? No what does it mean? 2- What is the speciality of Colin? 3- Where does Colin come from? 4- What does Luxury Lucy mean?

Language Feedback (1-2 minutes) • To provide students with feedback on accuracy and appropriacy.

I am going to show them a couple of sentences I took them as notes while I monitor them in the breakout rooms. e.g. 1- present simple form 2- Pronouns.

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