Ollie Ollie

TP7 Grammar
B2/C1 level


Main Aims

  • To teach an introduction to simple cleft sentences

Subsidiary Aims

  • Providing some reading, speaking, and writing practice while exploring cleft sentences


Warmer/Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Open slides presentation. Ask class what they think is the difference between each sentences. Conclude that they both have the same meaning, but the cleft sentence is used to highlight and stress the aspect of surprise to the reader, introducing an element of emphasis. Talk about how cleft sentences allow us to do this in all kinds of contexts, and are the topic of the lesson.

Text-work - gist - intensive - get TL (4-5 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

Share google forms gist task. Give students 1 minute to skim read and choose correct answer. Review answers afterwards. Move onto intensive. Ask students to read through the text again and highlight or underline where they think the cleft sentence is, allow them to go back to initial slide for reference if need be. Give them 2 minutes. When time is up find answer: "what caught my attention....". Ask them if they think they can turn this from a cleft into a regular sentence: "The irresponsable....caught my attention". Allude to how the cleft version draws more attention to what caught the writer's attention than this version.

Language focus: MFP (16-17 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Break students up into groups, ask them to match the area of focus to the example cleft sentence. Give them 5 minutes in breakout rooms to complete the activity before reviewing answers. On form slide, ask students to put the grammar items in the correct order in the table. Give them 3 minutes in their breakout room groups again. Review answers. Object: It/to be verb/object/relative clause. Manner: What/to be verb/manner/relative clause. On pronunciation slide, ask them to underline or highlight where they think the sentences are stressed for each sentence. Give them 4 minutes to discuss this in breakout rooms before covering answers and performing some modelling with group: "because of the rain", "at the party", "I need", "Maria".

Controlled practice (6-7 minutes) • To concept check and set student up for free practice

Ask students to convert the sentences into cleft sentence using what they've learned. Allow them to look back on other slides for guidance. Give them 5 minutes in breakout rooms in their groups, then check answers: "It was in the final minute that the team scored the winning goal", "What I need is someone to help me with my presentation", "It was the archeologist who discovered the hidden tomb", "It was under the sofa that he found his keys".

Free practice (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with time to practice using target language

Ask students to write their own cleft sentences together in their teams. Show them the examples as a reference, and allow them to refer to other slides again if they need to. Try and get them to write a sentence per 'focus'. Give them 8 minutes in breakout rooms before performing some feedback.

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