Lorena Chavelas Lorena Chavelas

TP7 Grammar
C1 level


In this lesson Students will learn two tenses Future Perfect and Future continuos in the affirmative forms.They will have the opportunity to practice the structures in controlled practice and free practice.


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Main Aims

  • • By the end of the lesson, students will have understood the meaning, form and pronunciation of the future perfect and future continuous in its affirmative forms and will be able to use it in a personalized speaking practice.

Subsidiary Aims

  • • To provide speaking fluency practice with the target language in frame of students plans for the rest of the year and what they think life will be like in 2040.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Share screen slide with a headline of the newspaper which says survey finds "The majority of Americans do not think about the future". Task: students will have to discuss these questions in BOR: How often do you think about the future and what do you think about it? ICQs: How many minutes do you have to discuss these 2 questions? Answer: 3

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

Screen share slide of a text in which Ss will see the TL. The text is about my Aunt Ireen visit next week and the arrangements I will make. Reading for gist: Students will have to find an appropriate title for the text: Family reunion. An unexpected visit. A wild week. This is not about right or wrong, Ss will reflect their personality depending on what title they choose. Reading for detail: Future structures will be highlighted in a different color and students will have to identify the names of the tenses in colour and when those tenses are used. They will work in pairs in BOR for 3 minutes When we return students will have the opportunity to share their ideas. ICQs: Hoy many time do you have to discuss these 2 questions? 3 minutes.

Highlighting (2-3 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

Screen share slide with the structures that I will be using for Clarification. These sentences are in the context of a dialogue. The context will be, imagine that exactly the day I am having dinner with my family my boss wants to talk to me. Form will be highlighted in a different colour. Students will have to identify which of them is in Future perfect and in future continuous and how do they identify them. It is a little introduction to form but I do not get into detail at this point. A: Is 7 good for you ? Or will you and your family be eating dinner? B: 7 is perfect, we will have finished dinner by then. **** A: Is 7 good for you ? Or will you and your family be eating dinner? B: 9 pm will be better. We will be having dinner at 7 pm

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Please find clarification in TLAS.

Controlled Practice (5-8 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Initially Ss will have their own slide to work on, 2 minutes to answer, 2 to check together in BOR and 1 for OCF. I will answer the first one to model what is expected. a)By December _____ b)Mary will have left ____ c)Next week _____ d)The ice on the lake ____ e)By the time the police get to the bank, ______ f)We will be living on Mars ______ 1.England by Tuesday 2.I´ll have read 40 books. 3.100 years from now. 4.The robbers will have left with millions of dollars. 5.I´ll be working on my essay. 6.Will have melted by next week Correct answers: A2, B1, C5, D6, E4,F3 ICQs: how much time do you have for this exercise? 2 minutes Are you working alone now? Yes. How much time are you going in BOR? 2 minutes.

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Students will go in BOR in pairs to discuss the following questions: Your predictions for the planet for 2040 Your intentions for the rest of the year. I will give an example of both to show them what is expected in this task. Example: By 2040 scientist will have discovered the cure for all diseases. In October I´ll be writing my first novel. ICQs: How much time are you going to work in this exercise? 8 minutes which tenses are you mostly going to use? Future present and future continuous.

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