Mariam Mariam

TP6_Mariam Mahmoud.
ELEMENTARY Group 1 level


In this language lesson, the students will be studied the difference between the Present simple and Present continuous tense in the context of neighbours and places.


Abc New English File (SB) P70
Abc Slides created by the teacher.
Abc HOs_teacher made.

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of Present Simple and Present Continuous tenses in the context of neighbours and places.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide specific information and deduction listening practice using a text about tourist attractions in London in the context of places.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Show the students photos related to the task they're going to do in the following stage and ask them: -Do you know any of these places? -Where do you think this photo is? -Do you think they are famous places?

Listening #1 for gist (5-10 minutes) • To provide gist listening.

In this stage, I'm going to ask the students to listen to the Audio track for gist and try to reorder the pictures given correctly before listening again for eliciting the TL.

Listening #2 (5-10 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information listening tasks

Students are asked to listen again and fill in the gaps in the text given to them. All the answers are about Present simple and Present continuous tenses. That procedure will provide them with a clue about what the TL is about.

Eliciting and clarifying the TL (15-20 minutes) • To provide students with more clarification of the TL, review the meaning, phonology and form.

Depending on the previous stage, I'm going to ask the students to tell which tense they think they got in each gap. Then, I'm going to clarify the meaning, usages,form and the keywords of each tense separately and ask my CCQs like; Do we use the present simple tense to talk about routines? (Yes) / Do you use the present continuous to talk about habits? (No) / Is Present continuous used to talk about something happening now? (Yes)

Controlled practice. (5-8 minutes) • To practice the TL after it has been clarified.

In this stage, the students will be given a complete and true& false exercises to do them individually first, then they will be asked to check their answers together in BRs. Afterwards, they come back to the main room to do a WCFB.

Freer practice. (3-5 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to use the TL fluently and come up with the common mistakes.

In this last stage, the students will be paired in BRs to talk about their own daily routines using the present simple tense. Then, come back to give me their feedback about their partners. Before joining the rooms, I need to focus on CCQs such as: Are you going to use present continuous to talk about your daily routine? (No)./ Are you going to use the present simple tense? (Yes). / ICQs: How long/ How many minutes will you speak together? (3 min).

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