Graziella Graziella

TP7 - Speaking
A2 - Elementary level


In this lesson, students will practice writing a short email to organise a night out with a friend.


Main Aims

  • To provide product writing practice of a email to a friend using the following aspects of written English: - functions for making suggestions - phrases to plan where/when to meet - informal e-mail conventions

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice for informal email conventions
  • To provide review of "want to + bare infinitive" and "have you got...?" and "I'd like to + bare infinitive"
  • To provide practice of language used for making suggestions, say where/when to meet in the context of organising a night out with a friend


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T shares slide 1 of the Jamboard and asks: "What are these friends doing?" T elicits answers from Ss and provides ideas with images: "Eating out" (image 4) "They are at a concert" (image 2) "They are at the cinema" (image 3) "They are at a bar having a drink" (image 1) T asks Ss: "What do you do on Saturday evenings?" Ss can use the same ideas they see on slide 1 or their own ideas. T supports Ss in case they lack the vocabulary needed to express their ideas.

Exposure (4-6 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading/listening

T shares slides 2 of the Jamboard. T asks Ss to read the short emails and then put them in the correct order. T elicits answers from Ss and drags the conversations next to the correct number. ANSWERS: 1. Hi Robbie, What do you want to do on Saturday night? Shall we go to a bar? I'd like to go to a place with music. Have you got any ideas? Ian. 2. Hi Ian, What about The Boston Bar? It's got live music and it closes at 2 in the morning. Robbie. 3. That sounds good. Where shall we meet? Ian. 4. Let's meet at the bar at nine. The address is 23 Clifton Road. See you there. R

Useful Language (10-12 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

T shares slide 3 of the Jamboard where the whole email conversation has been copied. Ss need to match the description of the content to phrases/sentences in the emails. ANSWERS: T shares slides 4-5 of the Jamboard where the whole email conversation has been copied. Ss need to match the functional language to phrases/sentences in the emails. ANSWERS: T shares slide 6 of the Jamboard where the initial and last email have been copied. Ss need to match the conventions to each of the emails. ANSWERS: T shares slide 7 of the Jamboard and asks Ss to drag the variable phrases to the fixed parts in order to complete them. Then T asks Ss to categorise the questions/sentences according to their function: - Making suggestions - Planning to meet

Productive Task(s) (12-15 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

T shares the Google Slides with all Ss and shows slide 1 (language to use) and slide 2 (sample to follow). T explains Ss will be working in pairs and will write an email to make plans for Saturday night. T shows the slide that corresponds to each student and sends Ss to work on BORs for about 10 min so they can write their email and read it to each other.

Feedback and Error Correction (5-8 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

Once Ss have written the email, they return to the main room and T shows the table next to their email. T asks the other peer to take a few minutes (about 3-4) to check that their peers have included all the elements in the checklist. After that T goes over one or two emails to show good use of language and areas for improvement.

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