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Main Aims

  • To be better able to follow instructions in order to solve an escape room task.
  • To introduce and practice functional language and there is/are to talk about things in place.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To further practice listening for gist and detail.
  • To provide students with further practice of should in the context of advice/recommendations.
  • To set up a stop-motion movie.


Warmer (12-15 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

(Alternative: a Kahoot about places in town – pictures are revealed bit by bit The teacher shows students a set of blurred pictures – students try to guess what the places are and the teacher elicits as many ideas as possible to jot them down on the board for further reference. Picture 1 - Hospital Picture 2 - Square Picture 3 - Police Station Picture 4 - School Picture 5 - Restaurant Picture 6 - Library In groups/pairs, students review the vocabulary by discussing real examples of such places in their city/town – the teacher monitors around and elicits as many ideas as required to set up the context of the lesson.

Lead-in (12-15 minutes) • To set lesson context and activate schemata.

The teacher shows students a set of pictures depicting famous places/landmarks in Caracas, chooses one from the set, and asks students as to how to get there as follows: – How do I get there from the British Council? After eliciting a few ideas, the teacher asks students to work in groups/pairs and practice how to give directions in order to go to any of these places. The marker examples to be used are as follows: 1. El Sambil, Chacao; 2. Waraira Repano; 3. Parque del Este; 4. Simón Bolívar's house; (Alternative: each group is assigned one place to discuss). The teacher shows student

Exposure (12-15 minutes) • To provide a model of the task and highlight useful words and phrases.

The teacher presents a set of pictures depicting functional language used to talk about giving directions and students match it with the correct pictures as follows: Picture 1 - turn left Picture 2 - turn right Picture 3 - go straight on Picture 4 - take the second left Picture 5 - take the second right Picture 6 - next to Picture 7 - opposite Picture 8 - go past Picture 9 - roundabout Picture 10 - traffic lights The teacher shows students a map of a small city and elicits vocabulary according to the location of places – some marker examples to be used are as follows: 1. next to 2. in front of 3. on the left of 4. on the right of 5. behind 6. across from

Listening Task (20-25 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target receptive skills.

Students listen to some people giving directions and identify the places on the map accordingly. Listening for gist – students listen once to the people giving directions and answer the following: 1. The speaker gives directions to the: post office. 2. The speaker gives directions to the: underground station. 3. The speaker gives directions to the: cinema. 4. The speaker gives directions to the: bus station. Listening for detail – students listen to the people speaking again and fill in the gaps as follows: 1. Go (straight) on. 2. (Go) past the traffic lights. 3. It’s the building next to the library (on) the left. 4. (At) the roundabout turn left. 5. Then, (take) the first left on to Green Street. 6. Go (past) the traffic lights and take the (second) right on to King’s Road. Post-listening – the teacher shows students a set of questions about the map and elicits the answers accordingly: 1. There is a bus station – true. 2. There is a cinema next to a cafe – false. 3. There are four libraries – false. 4. There isn't a post office next to a library – false.

Language Analysis (20-25 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the task language

Meaning – students identify the singular and plural structures used to express the existence of objects in place. The marker sentences to be used are as follows: 1. There is a bus station - singular. 2. There is a cinema next to a cafe - singular. 3. There are four libraries - plural. 4. There isn't a post office next to a library - singular. 5. There aren't any schools in the city - plural. Form – students discuss a few CCQs (guided discovery): 1. There is/There are is used to identify singular objects in a place. 2. There is/There are is used to identify plural objects in a place. 3. We use 'not' to make the sentences negative – true or false? Pronunciation – students practice both full forms and contractions of the verb to be. The marker examples to be used are as follows: 1. There is a bus station. 2. There isn't a cinema next to a cafe. 3. There are four libraries. 4. There aren't any schools in the city. Controlled practice – the teacher provides students with a handout for further practice as follows: (to be completed)

Language Practice - Escape Room (25-30 minutes) • To provide students with practice of the task language.

Students take part in an escape room. The escape room is to be carried out at the office – students need to look for clues everywhere except the classrooms (including theirs). The pre-task instructions are as follows: The teacher introduces the scientist of the week, Marie Curie, who discovered polonium: a highly radioactive element. Unbeknown to almost everyone, the office has gone into a quarantine period due to a leak of polonium which has not been located by the authorities. Every room in the office is slowly getting more contaminated except for their room – students need to solve riddles and find some clues around the office in order to get back to their room and safely withhold the quarantine period. Students will have around thirty minutes to solve the riddles and go back to their room – the while-and-post instructions are supplementary materials (see the folder in the SharePoint).

Task-based project – 2 (25-30 minutes) • To provide students with the opportunity to start recording their stop-motion movie.

As they are under a quarantine period, students have enough time to start recording their stop-motion movie on the tablets – the teacher monitors around and offers help if need be. Students should work in different rooms or else in the library area. Students should be given enough time to edit their stop-motion movies.

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