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Writing Lesson- Intermediate- Birthday Invitation
B1 level


In this lesson, Ss will practice informal writing in the form of a birthday invitation through guided writing and freer writing. After the lead-in, Ss will be engaged in a pre-read activity (matching words and meanings) and then they will skim-read a birthday invitation, and following that they will engage in guided writing and freer writing.


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Main Aims

  • By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to write a birthday invitation to their friends.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide reading practice for Ss to cultivate their knowledge of informal writing.
  • To familiarize Ss with the necessary lexis to complete the task of writing a birthday invitation
  • To provide speaking practice for Ss through pair discussions and peer-check in the context of birthday invitation.


Lead-in (4-5 minutes) • To engage learners and set the context of the class

T-Ss: "Tomorrow is my birthday." Possible S answers: "Happy birthday! What are you going to do tomorrow" T-S: "I'm planning to celebrate my birthday with my family in a restaurant." T-Ss: "Let's watch a video now but before this video let's see what she or he wants to do for his/her birthday". T sends the following questions in the chatbox: “Does she like baseball?” “Does she want to go to baseball?” “Is it her birthday?” “What do they decide to do?”. T asks Ss to read the questions before the video and gives Ss a half minute. T opens the “My Birthday Plan” video. T asks Ss for answers. T-Ss: “Who did you invite to your last party? “How do you celebrate your birthday?” “How do you invite your friends to your birthday party?”. T elicits Ss’ ideas.

Pre-Read Vocabulary (3-4 minutes) • To activate students’ schemata and provide lexis for the main task

T - Ss: “For this task, match words with their meanings. You will work on your own. You have 4 min.” T sends Ss the link for the matching activity via chatbox: T monitors Ss.

Gist Reading (3-4 minutes) • To provide an initial familiarity with the text

T starts sharing the screen. T shows Ss the model invitation/text in the presentation.T -Ss: “Read the invitation" T gives a half min to Ss. T-Ss: "Answer the questions". T-Ss: “Is Ellen friendly or formal?”. Ss answer: Friendly. T- Ss: “Why is Ellen friendly?” Ss answer: “Because she is writing to her friend”. T-Ss: “Hm… Then, Is this an informal text?”. Ss answer: “Yes.” T- Ss: “If Ellen writes a letter to her school manager, how will she write? Serious and respectful? Or, friendly and funny? Ss answer: “Serious and respectful.” T- Ss: “Hmm… Then it would be formal writing. Right?”. Ss answer: “Yes.” T-Ss: “Now read the invitations carefully. As you read, start to think about the language of informal writing”. T shares the link: T- Ss: “You have 4 min to discuss the language of informal writing with your pair.” T stops sharing the screen. T monitors the students for any potential needs.

Layout (4-5 minutes) • To analyze and identify elements of layout that provide coherence and cohesion in the text

T- Ss: “Now check the sentences and discuss in pairs: Are they formal or informal?” T shares the link: T- Ss: “You 5 min for this task”. T sends the link for the Google Forms through the Chatbox. T sets the timer for 5 minutes. T opens the Break-out Rooms. T monitors Break-out Rooms for students' needs and doubts. T monitors as well the response section of the Google Form for students’ submissions. T sends everyone to Main Room once the time’s up.

Guided Writing (6-7 minutes) • To analyze and identify features of birthday invitation as a piece of informal writing

T starts sharing the screen. T- Ss: “Imagine your friend sends you a birthday invitation and she asks you to come to her birthday party. Now you will write an answer to your friend’s letter and you will say “Yes, I will come.” or “No, I won’t come because…” T shows Ss model texts in the presentation: T-Ss: “You will work in pairs. You have 6 min. When you finish writing send your writing to the chatbox”. T stops sharing the screen. T sets the timer for 6 minutes. T opens the Break-out Rooms. T monitors Break-out Rooms for students' needs and doubts.

Parallel Writing (7-8 minutes) • To practice the layout and language conventions previously seen in writing some writing exercises

T starts sharing the screen. T- Ss: “You are going to put sentences in order from an e-mail invitation for a birthday party. You will work alone not in pairs. You have 5 min.” CCQ: T-Ss: “Are you going to put sentences in order like 1,2,3 to make an invitation?” Ss answer: “Yes.” T- Ss: “Do you have 5 min?” Ss answer:” Yes.”T stops sharing the screen. T sends the link of the Google Slides through the Chatbox: T monitors their work through each Google Slide. T starts sharing the screen. T- Ss: “Now you will choose some words in the list and put them in the invitation. You will work alone and you have 3 min”. T stops sharing the screen.

Freer Writing (8-10 minutes) • To produce a similar text based on the sample for fluency purposes and allow learners to share their text

T- Ss: “You are going to write a birthday invitation as an email to your classmate Aylin. You will work alone and you have 10 min.” T-Ss: “If you write an invitation to your friend, will you start with a greeting?” Ss answer: “Yes”. T-Ss: “Will you tell her the date, time, and place?” Ss answer: “Yes”. T-Ss: “Will you tell her goodbye?” Ss answer: “Yes” T-Ss: “Will you say all of these to Aylin in your letter now?” Ss: “Yes”. T stops sharing the screen. T asks students to share their works in the chatbox. T ends the lesson. T-Ss: "Next week, you read your friend's invitation and have a discussion." "Have a good day." (For next class:T- Ss: “Now read your friend’s invitation and discuss in pairs: Does this invitation starts with greetings? Does it have a date, time, and place? Does it ends with goodbye?” “Look for these things in your friend’s invitation.” “You have 6 min to discuss” T sends Ss to Break-out Room. T monitors Ss. Ss help each other to notice their errors and have a chance to correct those errors. T opens the screen. T-Ss: “Everybody sends their work to me in PDF format”)

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