melika azimi melika azimi

formal email
elementary level


in this session the teacher starts the class by asking the students this question: what is a formal Email \ letter? then the teacher teaches some usual used vocabs and phrases and tells them about some frequently used grammars than puts an actual formal letter and than explains the different parts of it separated by constantly asking them CCQ such as : could u give me an example ? or what is the best phrase to use in this part ? afterwards as a free practice they will write down a short formal letter . and then they will write a longer version of that letter both in the subject of: ask your Boss for some extra salary. as a free practice that they will do at home.


Abc american english file 2

Main Aims

  • To provide product writing practice of a letter in the context of a formal letter

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide review in the context of formal letter


Warmer/Lead-in (2-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

in this session the the teacher starts the class by asking the students about their opinion on is it better to write letter rather than massaging people which will guide them through the main subject of the lesson and then asks them this question ; what is a formal letter ? after that the class hears a few answers of different students and then the teacher will answer the question and now they are prepared for the second stage.

Pre teach (5-6 minutes) • to learn and review new vocabularies needed in this lesson

in this part the teacher uses a matching task to teach them or review some new vocabularies that are frequently used in this lesson and specific topic. then the teacher tells the students about some of the grammars that are also used frequently in this specific lesson by writing down some sentences about the an English course using the board.

Exposure (4-6 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through writing

in this part the students will see an actual informal letter and the teacher wants them to talk about the specific words or phrases that are used in this letter and then they will write down those specific words and phrases individually to use in the upcoming task, in which they have to write down a formal letter based on what they have learned.

Useful language (10-12 minutes) • to highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive task

in this part the the teacher uses the board for explaining the different parts of a formal letter , to engage the students the teacher starts writing down a formal letter and asks the students to write down and tell the class about their idea on each each part.

Productive task (8-10 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

in this part the students are going to write down a short formal letter which is consisted of 7 lines. in the subject of : ask your Boss for some extra salary. they will have 10 minutes to do this task . they should use at least 50 percent of the new words. they have to focus on the instructors that that they have learned previously in this session after that they will check their writings working in groups and then with the whole class.

Feedback and error correction (15-20 minutes) • to provide feedback on students production and use of language

in this part as previously mentioned the the students will check the writings of their classmates working in pairs and they will write down their groupmates mistakes . after that first they will mention their groupmates mistakes and talk about their reasons. and after that the teacher will correct their tasks and writings, which they have to correct their mistakes and write it down one more time.

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