Shahd Ghunim Shahd Ghunim

TP 5
Intermediate level


Abc Cutting Edge Intermediate page 80-81
Abc Vocabulary words: anti social, flick through, show off, wait on hold, text speak

Main Aims

  • To develop students' reading comprehension skills through several guided and engaging activities in the context of "things you can't live without".

Subsidiary Aims

  • To teach students five new vocabulary words/phrases related to the theme of the reading text and ensure their comprehension and ability to use these words in the follow up task.


Lead-in (5-8 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

To ensure students begin with an enthusiastic aproach, I will begin by telling them some of the things that I can't live without ( I will use a powerpoint slide to further grab their attention of this through pictures of some things I can't live without: (ex. my family, water, food, money, the sun, nature etc). I will ask them some CCQ's about what they think I can't live without to keep them focused. For example, before I show them the photos I will ask them: What do you think I can't live without? Would it be harder to live without money, or without food, what do you think? Why do you think so? After a brief discussion about the things I can't live without, I will say: What about you? What are some things you can't live without? ss: they will mention some things, perhaps some will mention family, children, money, love, etc. I will attentively listen to their answers and ask some follow up questions to ensure they understand the idea of the lesson.

Pre-Teaching (Vocabulary) (6-7 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

In this section I will cover MFP. since this class is a higher level intermediate class, I will show them a picture that defines each of the vocabulary words and try to have them elicit what the word is. If they can't figure out what the word is from seeing the picture, I will tell them the word. For example: I will show them a photo of an anti-social person and I will ask some CCQ's: How can you define this photo? How would you describe this person? ss: he doesn't have friends, he doesn't like people, he is angry, unfriendly etc. I will say yes, what else? They will probably not say anti-social, so I will say: the best word to describe this person is anti-social, listen to it again: anti-social. I will ask them some CCQ's: Are anti-social people friendly? Do they like hangout out with other people? ss:no. Okay, now listen and repeat: anti-social, anti-social. is this word a noun or adjective? ss: noun. Which word is stressed? anti. Now look at the way its written, is it one word? are they two words? is there a little minus between the two words? I will elicit the feutures of form (spelling) for each word. I will follow this method to teach all 5 vocabulary words, doing so I will have ensured covering meaning, form, and pronounciation quickly within 6-7 minutes.

Reading Task 1 (4-6 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading tasks.

Gist task: Ex 4a I will preview the question on the powerpoint slide to ensure they know which questions they will be tackling. After that, I will send them the handout of pages 80-81 which consist of exercises 4a, 5, and 7. I will begin by giving the students 30 seconds to read ex 4a. After the 30 seconds are done, I will give them simple and brief instructions: you will match these 7 titles/ headings with the 7 paragraphs from the text. Don't read the whole text, you will only skim the text and then give each paragraph a title. You will do this alone in 2 minutes. ICQ's: What will you do? match the headlines with the paragraphs. Will you read the whole text, or will you skim it? we will skim it. Will you complete this practice alone? yes. How much time do you have? 2 minutes. After they are done, they will elicit their answers to me and I will provide them feedback by going over their answers.

Reading Task 2 (8-12 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference reading tasks.

Detailed task: Ex 5 In this exercise you will read the questions for 1 minute and see if you can remember the answers. I will ask some CCQ's to try and remind them: Did the author say a PC can save you time? What is the reason that people should replace their computer? etc. After you are done reading the questions, you will read the text in detail, individually for 5 minutes and find the answers. After the 5 minutes are up, I will place them in BORs and compare their answers together. You have 3 minutes in BORs, After they come back from the BORs I will go over their answers and provide them necessary feedback.

Post-Reading (Follow-up) (8-12 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

Free practice: Ex 7b In this section students will have a discussion by answering ex 7b. First, I will show them the slide with Ex 7b. Then I will give the students brief and simple instructions: In small groups, you will talk to each other and discuss how technology drives you mad. To ensure they know what they have to do, I will demonstrate this to them by saying: For example, what drives me mad is when I have an important meeting and the internet randomely disconnects, also, I get angry when I am watching a movie online and suddenly it stops loading. Hence, by demonstrating how technology makes me mad I will have encouraged some of their own ideas for discussion. Now, you have 5 minutes to discuss this in BORs, tell your partner how technology makes you mad. Make sure you take a screen shot of the question and share it in your BORs. ICQ's: so what will you do? discuss what makes us mad How much time do you have? 5 min. When they finish their discussion, I will bring them back to the main room where I can go over some of their answers and provide them feedback.

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