Aya Mousamer Aya Mousamer

Houses and furniture- There is and there are
Elementry level


In this lesson, students learn about "there is" and "there are" form and how to use them properly. The lesson is based on an audio about a couple who are renting a country house in a dialogue with an estate agent. The lesson starts with a discussion about if students like to live in such a house or not. Then, They listen to the audio which is full of phrases with "there is" and "there are". Finally, there are two activities of controlled practice and a speaking activity as a freer practice about their houses.


Abc Handout 1- Exercise 1- Page 64- VOCABULARY houses and furniture
Abc Handout 2- Exercise 2- a- Page 64- LISTENING
Abc Handout 3- 2 LISTENING- C- page 64
Abc Handout 4- Exercise 3-a- GRAMMAR
Abc Handout 5- Exercise a6-a- GRAMMAR- p.133
Abc Handout 6- Exercise a6-b- GRAMMAR- p.133
Abc Handout 7- Exercise 5-b- SPEAKING- P.65
Abc HO2- Exercise 2.a- to rent screenshot
Abc HO3-dialogue- Screenshot
Abc HO4- Exercise 1 Page 64- Screenshot
Abc HO5&6- grammar bank- Screenshot
Abc Exercise 3.a- Screenshot
Abc Slide 13

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of there is and there are and gist and specific information listening practice in the context of houses and furniture.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a Conversation using there is and there are in the context of houses and furniture


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

I am going to take students through a quick ice-breaking by asking them about their weekend. Second, I am going to take them in a journey to my dream country house in order to personalize the context so it becomes easy for them to understand the language clarification. Then, I am going to send them a screenshot in Zoom chat box with the advert to read individually. I am going to send them to breakout rooms to discuss for 2 minutes. Finally, I am going to get them back to the main room for feedback as a whole group.

Pre-Listening Task (4-6 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and structure and make it accessible to them

In this stage, I am going to introduce the audio part to the students. I am going to elicit that through the picture of the estate agent, Larry and Louise supported with CCQs. 1- How many persons in the picture? Three 2- Are they in a garden? No 3- Are they buying the house? Yes I am going to ask the students now to listen to the audio once. ICQs: 1- Are you listening one time or two? one time 2- How many persons in the audio? three persons 3- who are talking? Estate agent, Larry, and Louise. I am going to model one gap and then I am going to give them 4 minutes to answer exercise 2 number c individually. Then, I am going to show them the answer key.

Language Clarification (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with better understanding and to remove any confusion they may have

Meaning: I start the presentation with a personalised slide that talks about my dream country house, supported with pictures convey how it looks like outside and inside. I am going to start with clarifying the meaning first, yet using exercise 3.a by filling the gaps in the chart using the information they got from the previous dialogue. I am going then to show them the answer key for that activity. CCQs: 1- Do I have one bed? Yes 2- Do I have a shower? No 3- Could I have hens and cows? Yes 4- Do I have elephants? No 5- Could I get cats and dogs? Yes Next, I am going to elicit that “some” means we do not know how many exactly supported with CCQs. Example: I think there are some glasses in the cupboard. 1- Do we have glasses? Yes 2- Do we know the number exactly? No Pronunciation: I am going to drill three times in front of them then ask them to repeat after me. Next, I am going to choose three of the students to repeat individually. Example 1: There’s a piano. Example 2: There aren’t any showers. Second, I am going to get them to know that there is no written contraction of “are” in “there are”, however “are” is unstressed in speaking. Example: There are glasses in the cupboard. Form: I am going to provide them with clear eliciting and examples supported with CCQs: Example 1: There’s a fridge. 1- Do we have one or two? one 2- Does “is” used for third or second person? Third 3- Is “it” one thing or two? one Example 2: There are glasses. 1- Do we have one glass? No 2- Does “are” used for second or third person? Second 3- Is “are” one thing or more than one? More than one Finally, I am going to show them the written structure. Singular: There+ is+ a singular noun Negation: There+ is+ not+ a singular noun Question: is+ there+ a singular noun? Plural: there+ are+ a plural noun Negation: there+ are+ not+ a plural noun Question: are+ there+ a plural noun? I am going to elicit the singular and plural form through that example: - In my living room there’s a sofa and two armchairs. For them to know whether the first word is singular or plural so they can get it easily and clearly. Then, supported with CCQs: 1- Does “a sofa” or “two armchairs” come first? “a sofa” 2- Do we have one sofa or two? One 3- Do we use with one thing “there is” or “there are” there is.

Controlled Practice (5-6 minutes) • To provide students with activities that allow them to practice the language they have been taught in a controlled way

I am going to ask students to go in groups of three to the breakout rooms in order to answer activities a and b, page 133 in the grammar bank. I am going to model number one in each to let them understand what to do with the rest of the questions. I am going to go for ICQs to assure they got the instructions clearly: ICQs for (A): 1- Are you working alone or in groups? Groups. 2- Are you completing? Yes 3- you are using there's or there are? Yes ICQs for (A): 1- Are you writing a word or a full sentence? a full sentence 2- Are you using "not" in some? Yes 3- Are you making questions? Yes Next, I am going to get them to the main room to discuss as a whole group and then showing them the answer key.

Freer practice (5-6 minutes) • To provide students with activities that allow them to use the language they have been taught in an authentic way

I am going to ask students to go in pairs to the breakout rooms in order to talk about their houses. I am going to model a quick participation of mine talking about my house to let them understand what to do. I am going to go for ICQs to assure they got the instructions clearly: ICQs: 1- Are you working alone or in pairs? In pairs. 2- Are you writing or speaking? Speaking 3- you are using there's or there are? Yes Next, I am going to get them to the main room to discuss as a whole group.

Language Feedback (2-3 minutes) • To provide students with feedback on accuracy and appropriacy.

Language Feedback: That would be through if they got the MPF concept mentioned within the class. I am going to show them a couple of sentences I took them as notes while they were in the controlled and the freer practices. and discuss them As: 1- There're a cat in my room. 2- There's four pens on her desk?

Content Feedback (2-3 minutes) • To provide students with feedback on clarity, coherence and effectiveness.

I am going to wrap up the ideas which were discussed in the class. CCQs: 1- Did we talk about houses or schools? Houses. 2- Do we have a fridge in the bathroom? No 3- Do we have beds in bedrooms? Yes

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