veronica gamboa veronica gamboa

TP Grammar
Intermediate level


Students will learn about question tags


Main Aims

  • To provide clarification, review and practice of of question tags in the context of child questions

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide product writing practice of question tags


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

The students will be presented with five questions. Students will be asked to answer one at a time as fast as possible. Depending on the number of students, either the teacher will write the answers or ask the students to write their own answers using stickers.

Exposure (4-5 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

Share the g-form link to the students, then play the recording and ask them to listen and answer the questions in the form. Check the answers in OCFB Answers Ships' round windows __ are stronger, aren't they? Number of hairs in the human head__ ten thousand A plane flies over a volcano ___ nothing happens, does it? The Beatles broke up____ they grew up and wanted to do things their own way Reasons for war: ____economics and fear

Highlighting (4-5 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

Play the recording again; this time, ask students to listen carefully. Ask students to complete the sentences by moving the stickers according to their hearing. use G-jam board check answers OCFB answers aren't is doesn't does didn't

Clarification (10-12 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Meaning. Share G-jam board with students. Ask students to think about the use of question tags. Ask students to look a the sentences on the screen. Ask students; what they believe we use question tags for. Tell students that three statements are correct. Ask them to circle the ones they think are correct. If the number of students is below three, ask them to do it in pairs, if not, do the activity individually. Check the answers in OCFB Aswers To check the information that you think is true To sound less direct (polite) To confirm information CCQs should I use question tags if I'm not sure of something? Is it rude to use question tags? form Before changing the slide, ask students how do they think a question tag is formed. Then move to the next slide and check their answer. Explain how the question tags require and auxiliary verb and a pronoun. Quickly review what the auxiliaries are and what pronouns are Then explain how a positive sentence should have a negative tag and vice-versa. Then remind them that the tense of the verb also affects the question tag. Then ask students to unscramble the stickers to form sentences whit question tags. answers They are happy, aren't they?- They aren't happy, are they? Ronaldo played soccer, didn't he? Pronunciation Explain to the students the two ways of pronouncing the question tags. Depending on your certainty. Pronounce the sentences and ask students to move them according to the stress they hear. Use the same sentence to drill.

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Share G- form link to the student, and ask them to fill the form using the correct auxiliary. If necessary ask CCQs about auxiliaries if the sentence is in present, which auxiliary could I use? What if the sentence is in the past what if the sentence is in the future Check answers in OCFB You are Italian, aren't you? You aren't a doctor, are you? Yo, don't smoke, do you? You play a musical instrument, don't you? Our teacher hasn't taught you before, has she? You will be here tomorrow, won't you? CCQs Is the sentences in the present? (yes/no) is it affirmative? (yes/) then how should our question tag should be?

Free Practice (7-8 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Set the task as a game. Ask students to write three questions using question tags that they would like to know/confirm about their partner. If the number of students requires it use breakout rooms. Check for mistakes an review them at the end of the activity.

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