martha tamara martha tamara

Lexis lesson
Intermediate level


Main Aims

  • To provide practice of wordbuilding in the context of information

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking and writing in the context of information.


Lead-in (3-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Use questions: "How do you prefer to find information, on the internet, in books or by asking people? What does it depend on?" and "What type of questions do children ask? Think of some examples" to introduce the topic of finding information and questions children ask. Write some answers on the whiteboard to make students feel seen and noticed.

Exposure (7-8 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

For gist task I will make the students read for a general understanding to answer these two questions: How did the author get the idea for the book? Are any of your questions included in the examples from the book? Also they will need to underline the investigate verbs given such as: argue / quarrel inquire / look into research / investigate respond / reply question / wonder discuss / debate and that will make them read for specific information and question whether each word should be underlined being a verb or a noun. Be very specific that only VERBS are supposed to be underlined.

Clarification (12-15 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Start explaining the meaning by matching the words with the correct activity. Check this in OCF by asking why on each of the meanings. Then do the activity of choosing which one is a verb and a noun with the word wonder: "I wonder if anyone has ever tried to surf a tidal wave. I can name the seven wonders of the world." Expect students to answer correctly, but if not, I ask "How do you distinguish a verb from a noun?" Give them the opportunity to answer but if answer is wrong, come up with the explanation of sentence structure "subject + verb" or "the action of the sentence vs a subject in a sentence". This would introduce me to the form part of this MPF, where I have the Google Form to choose which word describes the situation better, there is a mix of verbs and nouns but answers are: Investigation Reply Debate Research Question Argue. Check this in pairs before checking in OCF. Moving on to Pronunciation, I would bring up the slides again and play an audio brought from Cambridge Dictionary to make pronunciation clear, specially when the part of speech changes in words like: research or in words that make be difficult to pronounce such as inquire/inquiry. Make students repeat the words with me and check the activity in OCF.

Controlled Practice (4-5 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

The aim is wordbuilding so by now they should be familiar enough with the words so that they can recognize the letters and create the word. I will make them check their answers in pairs to provide confidence in spelling and then checking this in OCF. Answers: Discussed Questions Respond Inquired Wonder Debate Investigate

Free Practice (8-9 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

The way to conclude this would be by making them use the words in their actual life with real examples. So I will give them the Google Form for freer practice for them to answer open questions and use the words given. I will make them check in pairs to gain confidence before checking them in OCF. If we have more time then I will make them choose two sentences and explain their experience behind the sentence.

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