Kyle Kyle

TP 3
Intermediate level


A productive skills lesson in the context of learning lexis from an article on social experiments.


Main Aims

  • To enable students to learn and practice verb-noun collocations in the context of an article about social experiments.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To enable students to practice the present-perfect tense in the context of a conversation utilizing verb-noun collocations.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Introduce the topic by showing students a Google slide with three questions. Ask students how they would answer these questions. Provide an example to help them for the first question. Gather feedback and write their answers on the Google slide as a way to collect some ideas. Tell the students that today's article will provide some answers to these questions. Three Questions: 1. What common behavior by people do you not understand well? 2. Why do you think people do this? 3. If you want to find out why, what could you do?

Exposure (5-6 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

Provide students with the Google form (Paragraph Sorting). Indicate to students that the questions on the Google Form are questions that other people have about human behavior. Tell students they will read through the text and select what paragraphs contain the answers for the various questions. Inform them that one paragraph will not be used. Do OCF after all have submitted responses. Answers: 1. If you wanted to persuade someone to dress up as a tree, what would you do? A: Paragraph 5 2. What would you do if you were selling cakes, but nobody was buying them? A: Paragraph 3 3. What would you do if you wanted to convince people you were an expert hairdresser? A: Paragraph 4 4. What would you do if you wanted to know why people do the things they do? A: Paragraph 2

Highlighting (5-7 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

Students are provided with access to the Google Slides document (Verb-Noun Collocations). Inform students that all of these verb-noun collocations are found in the text they just skimmed. Tell students they should match the verbs on the left to the nouns on the right by drawing a line. Demonstrate how to do the activity for students. Inform students of their assigned slides and give them 3 minutes to do matching. After three minutes, inform students they can look at the text and check their answers.. Then, do OCF. Answers: 1. hold a sale 2. raise money 3. do experiments 4. get a seat 5. jump a queue 6. cut hair 7. watch a programme

Clarification (12-14 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Meaning: Show students a Jamboard. This Jamboard has correct verb-noun collocations at the top and, below them, seven questions are listed. Ask students to answer each question with an appropriate verb-noun collocation by matching the collocations to the questions. Inform students they will do this on their assigned individual slides. After three minutes, bring the class back together and do OCF. This is a Meaning exercise. Answers: 1. Hold a sale 2. Get a seat 3. Raise money 4. Watch a programme 5. Cut hair 6. Do experiments 7. Jump a queue Form: After this, give students a Google Form. Students should choose which of the two sentences are correct, while being able to reference the previous activity. After three minutes, bring the class back to OCF and check what rules they noticed. Pronunciation: Direct students attention back to Google Slides. Inform students that they will focus on three of these verb-noun collocations in particular. As the teacher reads the sentences, students will bold or underline the stressed words. Afterward, take the opportunity to ask some CCQs regarding the sentences, directing students to the pictures if necessary. Answers: 1. They're going to 2. He JUMPED the QUEUE and people got ANGRY. 3. I want to RAISE money for CHARITY.

Controlled Practice (5-6 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Show students a Google Form (Controlled Practice). Explain to the students that they must unscramble the letters to make collocations. These collocations all include one of ht following verbs: watch/hold/raise/do/get/cut. Demonstrate how to do the activity by showing an example. Example: We should go to the concert early so that we can est gates. -> get seats. Tell students that sometimes two scrambled words can sometimes become three when unscrambled and vice-versa. Ask ICQs before doing the activity. Ask ICQs: Q: Are these real words? A: No Q: How do we make these real words? A: We sort the letters. Q: Will the number of fake words and the number of real words always be the same? A: No. After 4 minutes bring the class back together and check the answers in OCF. Answers: 1. heal loads -> hold a sale 2. ease my iron -> raise money 3. grammar two preach -> watch a programme 4. opened term six -> do experiments 5. i shut car -> cuts hair

Free Practice (8-9 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Show students Google Slides. Tell students that they will now have to use verb-noun collocations in combination with the present-perfect tense. They will ask each other questions in the format of "Have you ever (verb-noun collocation)?" and respond accordingly. Inform students they will both have to ask these questions as well as ask an appropriate follow-up questions. Demonstrate this by showing an example. Inform students that this is a mingle activity, so while they will do the activity in BORs, they will do so in two rounds. After three minutes, the teacher will change the BORs. After another three minutes, bring students back together into open class and do OCF. Do delayed error correction if necessary Example: Q: Have you ever cut someone's hair? A: Yes. Q: How was it? A: Oh, it was so difficult. Q: Oh, why? And so on... Q: Have you ever cut someone's hair? A: No. Q: Do you want to try it? A: Oh, definitely no! Q: Why not? It could be fun! And so on...

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