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Abc PowerPoint Presesentation
Abc Worksheet - Handout
Abc Google Forms

Main Aims

  • To set up and provide practice of language used to introduce oneself and others in the context of personal information.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To set up project knowhows in the context of STEM.
  • To introduce the scientist on whom the lesson is based.
  • To provide speaking practice of personal and possessive pronouns.


Warmer/Lead-in - 1 (5-10 minutes) • To set up the course context and get to know students – diagnostic

The teacher welcomes students and sets up the context by pointing out classroom rules and course expectations. The teacher pinpoints the materials to be used in class and emphasizes that each week will cater to a different topic and hence a different STEM project.

Warmer/Lead-in - 2 (12-15 minutes) • To set up the course context and get to know students – diagnostic

Which do you prefer – students are asked questions to set up their favorites (pre-teach 'left' and 'right' accordingly). The teacher elicits as many answers as possible and runs a quick diagnostic check on their knowledge of the language. Getting to know you activity – students write three things about themselves: their favorite color, food, and song/movie. They mingle and ask one another about their favorites. Extension activity: should students find themselves confident enough, the teacher may ask them to talk at least about two favorites of one of their classmates.

Diagnostic stage (5-10 minutes) • To run a needs analysis and set up aims in tandem with

Students scan a QR code, open a Google Form, and answer the questions accordingly. Alternative: the teacher uses the worksheet instead of the Google Form should connectivity issues arise. It will be emphasized that the results are confidential, and both the teacher and student are the only ones who can access them.

Exposure – 1 (20-30 minutes) • To provide highlight useful words and phrases and a model of the task

The teacher shows students a set of pictures and elicits what type of character the people may have – their ideas are jotted down on the board for further reference. Meaning – students match the pictures with the correct word and decide whether they describe positive or else negative traits. Let's meet a new partner – students watch a video of a teen vlogger introducing herself (Lily), listen for gist, and answer some questions about her: ○ What's her name? - Her name is Lily. ○ Where's she from? - She's American (the USA). ○ What's she like? - She's cool, loud, and funny. Students watch the video again, listen for detail, and decide whether the following statements are true or false: ○ Lily is a new vlogger - False ○ She says she's loud. - True ○ She's from Colombia. - False ○ Lily says she's boring. - False Form – students acknowledge/identify the structure used to describe oneself and others and complete a table with the correct form of the verb to be. The teacher points out the difference between 1st, 2nd, and 3rd person and elicits examples before modeling. Pronunciation – students identify syllable patterns and stress. ○ angry /ˈæŋ.ɡri/ – 2 ○ boring /ˈbɔː.rɪŋ/ – 2 ○ clever /ˈklev.ɚ/ –2 ○ cool /kuːl/ – 1 ○ funny /ˈfʌn.i/ – 2 ○ happy /ˈhæp.i/ – 2 ○ loud /laʊd/ – 1 ○ quiet /ˈkwaɪ.ət/ – 1

Practice Task – 1 (20-30 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

Kahoot – students practice subject pronouns and singular/plural verb to be. Alternative: students do a fill-in-the-gaps exercise for further practice (see documents attached - supplementary materials). Interview – students acknowledge/identify questions to ask about personal information. The teacher shows students a set of prompts and elicits the correct questions to ask about personal information as follows: Name - what's your name? Age - how old are you? Country - where are you from? Favorite food - what's your favorite food? Students use the questions to run an interview in the class – they should interview five different people and jot down their answers. Students then report back to the class about their findings – what do they have in common?

Practice Task – 2 (20-30 minutes) • To provide students with speaking practice in the context of the target language

Let's play who – students get contextualized and are introduced to one of the main scientists of the program. Students read a few prompts from an interview run on Albert Einstein and try to guess who it is. The teacher elicits as many answers as possible before checking on the correct answer. Scavenger hunt – students look for clues around the office to complete Albert Einstein's short biography as follows: ○ City of origin: Ulm, Germany ​ ○ Education: University of Zurich​ ○ Famous for: Relativity Theory​ ○ Favorite hobbies: Hiking, biking, sailing, tennis​ Using the proper target language, students report back to the class about their findings.

Project – 1 (20-30 minutes) • To set up the STEM context and the scientist of the week: Albert Einstein

The teacher contextualizes students into traveling to Germany for a summer camp experience inspired by Albert Einstein. The teacher explains that the camp is not complete – students brainstorm a short business plan (areas and activities) for the summer camp and make a diagram/map about it. These are the suggested areas to implement: Area 1 – Leisure and Entertainment Area 2 – Wildlife Area 3 – Natural features The teacher emphasizes that this is an Einstein-inspired camp, and so there will be STEM projects (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics). Suggested content to be taught according to the areas: Area 1 – Leisure and Entertainment: simple present, infinitives and gerunds, prepositions Area 2 – Wildlife: comparatives and superlatives, adjectival and noun phrases Area 3 – Natural features: countable and uncountable nouns, there is/are, partitives

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