Ghada Elsayed Ghada Elsayed

TP4 - Ghada Elsayed
intermediate level


In this lesson, students learn some phrases for sending and replying to invitations and practice writing an invitation and a respond to another.


Abc New Cutting Edge Intermediate Student Book, presentation and handout

Main Aims

  • Students will have been presented with the features of writing an email of invitation.
  • Students will have practiced writing an email of invitation and a reply to invitations.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Students will have practiced reading for gist to get introduced to the features of writing an email of invitation.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

I'll start with a picture of a wedding party and ask the students some questions. 1- What kinds of gathering can you see? A wedding party and a birthday party. 2- Do you think the people in the picture know the bride and groom? Yes. 3- Did they just randomly show up without invitation? No. 4- Can anyone attend a wedding without being invited? No. 5- How do you think are these people invited? They received invitations. What else? What if they are in different countries? Phone calls - emails I'll then move to a picture of invitations and ask a question: So now what can you see? invitation Q/ When do people usually receive an invitation? Days before. I move to another picture to introduce "short notice" Q/ What if we receive an invitations with limited time to prepare? Do you know the expression? On short notice

Exposure (4-7 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading/listening

Reading a text for gist to get introduced to the features of writing an email of invitation and reply with accepting or refusing. - I'll hide the slide and give them a task. "Now you have a task. There are 3 invitations and three replies. Read them quickly, know what they for, and match each email of invitation to its reply. You have three minutes to work individually. I'll ask CCQs. Are you going to work in groups? No How many minutes? How many invitations and replies? 3 invitations and 3 replies. Will you pay attention to the purpose of invitations? Yes. I'll check the answers with them.

Features of writing an email of invitation and reply of accepting or refusing (10-12 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful phrases of inviting, accepting and refusing invitations

I'll present a slide of three invitations used in the previous task. I'll ask : Are these invitations long or short? - Short. Would you write long emails of invitations to a birthday or a wedding party? -No What is one phrase used to open an email? - Hello there. What is one phrase to close an email? -Regards. I'll ask ss some questions to extract the marker sentences. Q/ Look at these emails, let's highlight useful phrases for inviting. - I was wondering if you would like .... - Could you possibly come to ..... - I do hope you can come to ..... I'll do the same for the replying emails. What email accepts the invitation? B and E What phrases are used for accepting the invitations? -I would love to come to the wedding. -Yes, I think I can make it. What email refuses the invitation? D What is the phrase used to reply? -I'm afraid .... What excuse used here? - Going to the parents' wedding anniversary. What phrases is used to show regret? - What a shame! Turn to the next slides. Look at these phrases. Which one do you use for a close friend? c Why? Because it's friendly/ short/ informal. Which would you use for a workmate or leader? A & B Why? Because it's long/ polite/indirect.

Productive Task(s) - Writing an invitation (6-10 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice writing an email of invitation

I'll give them a writing task. Now, you have a writing task. You will work in groups to choose an event to write an email of invitation about. (work - home - school) Then everyone inside the group should write their own invitation. You have five minutes to finish your task. Asking ICQs So are you going to choose the topic indiividually? No. In groups. Are you going to write the same invitation? No. For how long? 5 mins Please check this link in the chat box. - I'll explain how to use Padlet and show my model. I'll keep monitoring and help if there are any problems. Students come for feedback.

Writing task 2 (5-8 minutes) • To write a reply to the invitation

Here is another task. Choose the invitation you like and write a reply to it . Take 3 minutes to work individually. You can write a comment on the invitation you like. So are you going to work in groups? No How many minutes do you have? 3

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