Graziella Graziella

TP6 - Functional language
A2 - Elementary level


In this lesson, Ss will practice functional language and use the correct intonation to show sympathy and express health problems


Main Aims

  • To provide practice of language used for showing sympathy in the context of health

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of health


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T shares slide 1 of the Jamboard and asks "What's happening to Simon and Emily?" T points at Simon and Emily's facial expressions to elicit answers from Ss.

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide a model of the task and highlight useful words and phrases

Gist activity: T shares slide 2 of the Jamboard and plays recording 20. T points at Simon and Emily and asks Ss to listen to track 20 and focus on Simon's and Emily's answers. After playing track 20 once, T asks "What's wrong with Simon and Emily?" ANSWER: Simon has a stomach ache. Emily has a headache and a sore throat. "Are they going to the meeting?" ANSWER: No. Intensive activity: T shares slide 3 of the Jamboard. T plays track 20 again and asks Ss to decide who says those sentences. While they listen, Ss move R or S next to each sentence. OCFB.

Language Analysis (10-12 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the task language

MEANING: T shares screen and shows Google Form. T explains that Ss are going to work in pairs in BORs to fill in the gaps. T models exercises and gives Ss 3-4 min to do exercise. Are you OK? WHAT'S the matter? What's WRONG? ARE you alright? No, I've GOT a headache. I'VE got a stomach ache. When Ss go back to main room, T shares slide 4 of the Jamboard and asks Ss which set of questions/sentences: 1. ask about someone's health. 2. talk about health FORM: T shares screen and displays slide 5 of the Jamboard where the following is written: 1. You are ok? 2. You are alright? T asks Ss if these questions are correctly formulated. ANSWER: No. T asks Ss how they can be improved. ANSWER: verb To Be + S ... ? PRONUNCIATION (focus on intonation to show sympathy) T shares screen and displays slide 6 of the Jamboard. T plays track 21 and asks Ss to recognise which of the two options sounds sympathetic and why. ANSWER: intonation goes up when showing sympathy. T asks Ss to practice the following questions sounding sympathetic (slide 7 of the Jamboard): 1. Are you ok? 2. What's the matter? 3. Oh, dear.

Controlled Practice (6-8 minutes) • To provide students with practice of the task language

T shares screen and asks Ss to work in pairs in BORs to match the drawing to the mini dialogue. The activity should take around 4-5 min. T monitors Ss in BORs. The aim of the task is to practice the TL as well as recycle some vocabulary related to health. Ss go back to main room and OCFB happens.

Freer practice (10-12 minutes) • To practice fluency (meaning and pronunciation) when using expressions and intonation related to health.

T tells Ss they will use today's questions to show sympathy to practice in pairs in BORs. They repeat this twice. Ss should take turns in asking questions and should focus on the intonation of the questions. The activity will take about 8 min T monitors Ss in BORs and writes down good use of language and areas of improvement. DEC

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