Salma Salma

Pre-intermediate level


In this lesson, students are going to read a passage bout Chatsworth House and they are going to get exposed to some new words such as estate, inherit, magical, period film, horse trial, acre, crew, ancestor, vast, aristocracy, impress, etc. which will be taught and practiced through images and a handout. Moreover, students are supposed to read the text and answer some questions that are written in the textbook. the present perfect will also be reviewed through an exercise.


Abc Headway pre-intermediate book
Abc Handout for vocabulary + Images

Main Aims

  • Reading comprehension

Subsidiary Aims

  • Vocabulary; To provide practice and clarification for new words
  • Grammar; To review present perfect tense


Warmer/Lead-in (4-6 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

- Welcome the students - Ask them to have a glance at the pictures on the reading passage and read the heading and subheadings out loud. Write them on the board. - Ask them to close their book - Elicit information from them; ask them to guess the general topic of the text. What kind of info do they think they will see in the text? (where is this house? who owns it? is it open to the public? does anyone still live there? how old is the house? etc.

Exposure/ Pre-reading (10-15 minutes) • Pre-teaching vocabulary

- A handout will be given to the students that is consist of multiple choice questions in order to expose the learners to new words and their synonyms. (10 questions, 4 mins max) - Walk in the classroom and monitor the students - Students will be asked to check their answers with their peers (1-2 mins) - The answers will be reviewed as a whole class activity. - Make sure they know the pronunciation of the words; read them out loud and ask them to repeat (divide them into 2 groups if necessary). - Ask for clarification. - Show images and make examples if necessary.

While-reading (fast reading) (6-8 minutes) • To get the main idea of the text and to see the usage of the vocabulary in the context

- The students will be asked to read the text quickly on their own (3 mins) - Elicit information from them. Ask them whether their guesses (in the warm-up stage) were true and whether the questions were answered in the text. - Write short answers on the board. - Make sure to pronounce the proper nouns (Devonshire, Chatsworth, Peregrine Cavendish, etc.) -Talk about the word "Stately home". Make them guess the meaning and describe its features.

While-reading (read in detail) (4-6 minutes) • To get information to answer the exercises

- Ask them to have s quick look at the reading exercises to get familiar with the structure of the questions. - The learners will be asked again to read the text again but in detail this time. (5mins) - Ask them to underline the numbers inside the text as they read. - Monitor the students

Post-reading (10-15 minutes) • To answer the reading comprehension exercises

- Ask the students to answer exercise 4 and check their answers with their peers. (5mins) - Monitor them while you walk in the class. - Go through the questions. Ask for volunteers. If not, choose a student. see if they all agree with the answer. - Ask for clarification. Make sure everyone has the right answer. - Move on to Language Work (grammar exercise) - Ask the students whether they remember the Present perfect tense. Quickly review the topic if necessary. - Ask them to answer the questions. - Check the answers as a WC activity. Ask them why they chose past simple/ present perfect.

Semi-Controlled Practice (6-8 minutes) • To answer "What do you think?"

- Read the questions out loud and ask for their opinion. If there is no volunteer, choose a student. - Show them the photo of the Qavam house (Narenjestsn Garden). Ask them if they know it and if they have ever been there. - Discuss the questions with them. - Minimize TTT and let them talk more.

Free Practice (7-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

- Start a debate. Ask the students whether they think it is a good idea that historic houses stay in the hands of their original owners (historic families). - Divide them into 2 large groups (group 1: agree, group 2: disagree) - Ask them to discuss their reasons and state their opinions in their group) monitor them and help them if necessary - Ask them to share their reasons with the class.

Review (3-6 minutes) • check for clarification and give feedback

- Ask the students whether they have any questions and whether they liked this topic. - Make sure everything was clear.

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