Asli Gonenc Tomaras Asli Gonenc Tomaras

Getting Connected
Intermediate level


The lesson is based on a guided discovery via an audio about "technology and communication". SS will improve their listening skills and check their comprehension through controlled exercises. SS will engage in speaking activities related to the topic by group discussions and tasks. New vocabulary in the audio will be taught and exercised.In the second part of the lesson, SS will learn "time markers" and practice by controlled and free exercises.Tasks will be checked by pairs/peers and the T will give FB when necessary.


Abc • Realia; personal gadgets like laptop, smart phone, tablet, m3 player, gps tracker ,bluetooth earph
Abc Real,a; Handouts, pictures, flash cars, FB slipsSpeakOut Intermediate Student Book ,Pearson 2011, pa

Main Aims

  • The SS will improve listening skills via an audio practice about how technology affect our lives, especially in communication. SS will focus on gist and intensive listening for comprehension.

Subsidiary Aims

  • The SS will be involved in speaking activities. Practices will be based on the audio topic and time markers, tasks will involve group discussions and checks. Related vocabulary shall be practised: “’intermediary, barriers, thumbprints, retina scans, straightforward way, on demand, method of delivery”.


Stage 1- Warm up and lead-in (3-4 minutes) • Make the context of the lesson more appealing

The T shows personal gadgets and ask SS their favourite gadgets, SS discuss in small groups what they like or dislike about them

Stage 2- Introduction of the topic (5-6 minutes) • Lead SS to brainstorming and speaking practise

The T shows pictures of gadgets on WB, elicits what they are. The T asks SS what has replaced them (question 1), gives SS some time for discussion in pairs.T put the answer prints on WB and enable SS to compare their answers. The T then asks the question 2 in 1A and gives some further time for discussion in pairs.SS express ideas OC.

Stage 3- Exercise: Future Communication (2-3 minutes) • Speaking Practice

SS discuss the 3 questions in 2.A in groups and express their ideas to the class .

Stage 4- Vocabulary (6-8 minutes) • Pre-teaching Vocabulary

The T elicits the new vocabulary in the audio, writes brief definition on WB, pronunciation drills are repeated

Stage 5- Audio (9-12 minutes) • Improve gist and intensive listening skills

The T plays the audio in 3.3. The T Plays the audio again (whole or partial) if needed and challenging parts cleared OC. SS compare their ideas (previous task) with the audio and share OC.

Stage 6- Comprehension (2-3 minutes) • To check the listening comprehension of SS

The T asks 3 factual questions about the audio scripts through handouts, SS work and check in pairs. The T gives copies of the audio, SS final check the answers through the text in pairs.

Stage 7- Time Markers (5-7 minutes) • Teach SS future time markers

The T elicits the 1st and 2nd sentences in exercise 4A, gives handouts to SS and asks them to underline the time markers in sentences. SS check in pairs, answer slips are distributed. T monitors and supports SS. OC discussion are made about time markers. Quick FB is given by the T underline common errors, if necessary

Stage 8- Exact/ Not Exact Time Markers (4-5 minutes) • Practicing the time markers and underline the differences

The SS clarify the different time markers in 4A, they work in pairs and matches with the 3 statements in 4B. Answer slips are distributed, pair check is done, stage is completed by WC and FB.

Stage 9- Exercise: SS Discussion about their future plans (3-4 minutes) • Improve speaking skills by practising about the unit topics

Questions in 4C are discussed in group work and OC

Stage 10- Feedback (2-3 minutes) • Overview of the lesson

The T asks SS to brief the lesson.The T may give additional FB,potential questions are answered

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