Khalid Fadul Khalid Fadul

Vocabulary Lesson
Intermediate level


In this lesson, students will learn how they get the meaning of a word from a context through a context which is a text-based framework. Students start with an activity as a lead in then they will be exposed to PTV to facilitate the blocking words that may hinder their understanding. Then they read the text quickly to skim and answer a gist questions. The clarification stage will help students understand how they guess the meaning of vocabulary words then they have a controlled and freer practice.


Abc handouts,

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of how to guess the meaning from a context in the context of unusual days out.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide skim reading practice using a text about the world’ weirdest museums.


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

I bring pictures of some museums and ask students if they had visited museums before. I ask them ‘’did you visit a museum before? Where was it? What kind of museum did you visit? Do you like visiting museums? I elicit the information from students.

PTV (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with the blocking words that may hinder their understanding

1. art gallery: I bring pictures of art gallery and ask students about them. 2. glass bottomed boat: I bring a picture of glass bottomed boat. I ask students if they saw or rode a glass bottomed boat before. 3. exhibit. I bring a picture of some exhibits and ask students

Reading for gist (8-10 minutes) • To provide skim reading practice. To expose learners to the Tl in context.

1. I ask students to predict what do they know about weird museums? 2. I ask students to read the passage quickly and check if its prediction is correct or no. Then they check the answers in pairs. Then open class feedback. 2. I ask them ICQs such as "Are you reading fast or slow? fast "Are you reading every single word? "No

Language clarifiction (6-8 minutes) • To provide clarification of how to guess the meaning from a context and pronunciation of the TL.

I ask the students to look at the words in blue in the article. I write some of them on the board. The students read them. I check the pronunciation. I ask: what part of speech are they? Noun? Verb? Adjective? Do you know a similar word in your language or another language you know? Then I move to 3b. I explain how students guess a meaning of a word from context. I explain the meaning of context, which is the other words in the sentence or paragraph. Now I ask the students to answer exercise 3b. They have to choose the correct meanings, a or b. Then do 3b. as a sort of mini controlled practice. They work in pairs to answer questions from 1 to 5. Then do Ex 3b. from 6 to 8 as a mini controlled practice.

controlled practice (6-8 minutes) • To check learners understanding of the TL and provide them with a chance to practice the target language for accuracy.t

1. I give students 4 minutes to answer3 b alone then in pairs then open class. 2. The students work in pairs .They look at the words in pink in the article. They have to decide what part of speech are they? Then they have to guess the meaning of each word. I give them 4 minutes to answer 3 c in pairs then I check their answers. This exercise reviews guessing the meaning from the context.

Freer practice (6-8 minutes) • To provide learners with an opportunity to use the TL freely in a speaking practice.

1. I let students think of an exciting or frightening experience that has happened to them, or someone they know. Make notes on these things. 1. I let students think of an exciting or frightening experience that has happened to them when they visited a museum or a certain place, or someone they know. Make notes on these things. When did it happen? What was it? Why it was exciting or frightening? What happened when you visited it? Will you visit it a gain and why?

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