Aiman modeer Aiman modeer

unusual day out
B1 level


In this lesson, students will learn about some of the most unusual museums around the world, including the Museum of Bad Art, Marikina Shoe Museum, Cancun Underwater Museum, Miniatur Wunderland, and Hamburger Museum. Through a series of activities, students will develop their reading comprehension, critical thinking, and creative skills.


Abc Looking up words
Abc Text
Abc Looking up words
Abc Text

Main Aims

  • To develop students' reading comprehension skills. • To introduce students to different types of museums and cultural experiences. • To encourage students to think critically about art and culture. • To develop students' creativity and imagination.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Subsidiary Aims: • To develop students' vocabulary related to art and culture. • To encourage students to express their own opinions about art and culture. • To promote teamwork and collaboration among students.


Introduction (4-6 minutes) • Introducing the text by letting them read the introduction to the questionnaire and then discuss the questions in PW.

- First task, then text! - Here, we have a questionnaire on whether you are a planner or a procrastinator person. Please, read only the introduction part individually. - You have one minute. ICQ: * Are you working with a partner? * Are you only reading? - HO the text. (One minute later) - Form PW - With your partner, discuss the answer of the question now. - You have 2 minutes. -ICQ : * Are you working alone? * Are you speaking on the questions? (2 minutes later.) - Now, report what your partner said. FB

Eliciting New Vocabulary (5-7 minutes) • SS will match the phrases in the text with their definitions given in the task.

- As we all know the meanings well, now it is time to practise a bit. - As you all see, there are definitions given in part 1c . Try to find the phrases they describe in the text. Work individually. You have 2 minutes. ICQ : * Are you working with a friend? * Are you reading and taking notes? (After 2 minutes) - Compare your answers with your partner. PW FB

Discussion (5-8 minutes) • Discussing the answers of the questions in groups and then GWFB

- Form The GW - Now, we will work with our groups. Discuss the answers of the questions in 1D with your group friends. You have 3 minutes. ICQ: * Are we working alone? * Are we writing sth? (After 3 minutes) - One person in each group reports the results. FB

Listening for gist (8-10 minutes) • SS will listen to three people discussing the answers of the questionnaire. While listening, they will decide which of the topics they do not talk about.

- Now, we will have a listening task. Three people will be discussing the answers of the questionnaire. - There are some headlines given here. While listening , please decide which topics they don't mention. We will only listen once. ICQ : * Are we listening in detail? * Are we paying attention to topics here? (After listening) - PW FB - WC FB

Listening for detail (5-7 minutes) • SS listen to the discussion again, this time for detail in order to complete the blanks in the exercise.

- PW - Try to fill in the gaps with your partner. - PW FB - Now we will listen. While listening, check your answers individually. - AK Check your answers

Post-listening (5-8 minutes) • SS will discuss in a group stating their preferences about whom to work with and why?

- Form GW - Read the question and make a discussion as a group. - You have 3 minutes. ICQ: * Are you working with your partner? * Are you reading sth? (After 3 minutes.) - WC FB

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