Liliana Vanina Rodriguez Liliana Vanina Rodriguez

LP TP8 Liliana Vanina Rodriguez
Pre Intermediate level


In this lesson, the students will be provided with the practice of writing a postcard (20-30 words)


Main Aims

  • To provide process and product writing practice for a Postcard in the context of visiting a city

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide process writing practice for a Postcard in the context of a familiar or friend during holidays in a new city


Lead-In (0-5 minutes) • Set the context for the writing

- T will share a G.Slide a question ("Why do we send Postcards?") for ss to acknowledge the topic. - Ss will work in pairs or small groups to engage with the topic. - Brief OCFB

Sample Analysis (1-7 minutes) • Layout: Ss identify the sections of the pieces of writing

- T will share a Google Form with a model text for ss reference ( read individually- 2 mins) and a gist task for ss general understanding (check with pairs in Break Out Rooms - 2 mins) - OCFB (4 mins)

Sample Analysis - Language (1-8 minutes) • Ss Identify language needed in the piece of writing

-T will share a G. Form for ss to complete a task with tips for them to notice the typical structure, stylistic and linguistic devices of the model text. (Individually 2 mins) [ICQ: Is this an individual or group activity? How much time do X have to complete the task?] - Ss will compare in pairs (Break out rooms - 2 mins) OCFB-

Writing Task (0-15 minutes) • Set the context for the writing

- T will share a G Slide with the writing task for ss to create a postcard individually or in pairs. (15mins) - T will monitor and help if needed.

FeedBack and Error Correction (1-10 minutes) • To follow up and correct any possible mistake

- T will provide Ss with an online checklist so that they can read and check a peer´s Breakout rooms(5 mins) - OCFB. T will give feedback and DEC (5 mins)

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