Ana Laura Romero Ana Laura Romero

TP2 Listening practice
Upper Intermediate level


This lesson provides listening practice for specific information and detail.


Abc PowerPoint slides

Main Aims

  • To provide listening practice for specific info and detail in the context of a new product launch.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification of lexis for real world discussion and advertising. As well as practicticing speaking fluency.


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

1. I will share two different famous jingles and I will ask the Ss to tell me the name of each brand related to them: a) Mcdonald's "I'm lovin' it" b) Old Spice whistle 2. I will ask Ss the two following questions: a) Why are they effective? b) What jingle or slogan do you find catchy?

Pre-istening (4-5 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

MEANING 1. I will ask Ss to fill the gaps in the following sentences with three words from the text : a) A good ________ campaign will increase our sales. (advertising) b) The five o’clock train is always packed with _______. (commuters) c) The hospital has an annual __________ of 10 million dollars. (budget) 2. Once the learners filled in the gaps, I will elicit the meaning of each word. FORM If the Ss are not sure about which word is the correct for the gaps or what is the meaning, I will ask them what is the function of the word they need to place. If they don't have any problem with a word, I will just mention the function of the word. PRONUNCIATION While the Ss indicate the correct word and the meaning, I will model the words, so they can repeat the word in context.

While-Reading/Listening #1 (6-8 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information listening task

1. I will show the students a picture of a meeting in an Advertising Agency and I will tell them that the people are discussing the launch of a new product called Go! Then, I will ask the following question: a) What type of product is it? 2. I will tell the Ss they will hear an audio to listen for this information and I will tell them to make some notes if necessary (Ex 3a). 3. I will ask again "What type of product is it?", and I will conduct the open-class feedback (OCFB). AK: Go! is a fruit juice drink.

While Listening #2 (14-15 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference listening task

1. I will ask the first question from this activity: "Which different types of advertising do they talk about?" I will provide the first type: "viral marketing on the Internet." 2. Once the Ss give at least one example, I will tell them that they are going to listen a second time and continue answering the questionnaire individually on Google Forms (Ex 3b). I will ask them to check first the questions and tell me if they have doubts about them. 3. I will tell the Ss to check the answers in pairs (via BORs) and I'm going to monitor the activity. I will provide the link to the audio in case they need to listen again. I will give 10 minutes to my Ss. 4. For the OCFB, I will share the screen with the answer key and I will ask the learners if they have any doubts.

Post-Listening (10-12 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

1. I will share a 45 s. TV advertising that I like at the moment and I will say briefly why. 2. I will ask the Ss to think about the following question: a) Which advertising campaigns do you like or dislike at the moment? Why? 3. I will tell the Ss to discuss it in pairs via BORs and I will ask them if they have questions about what they have to discuss. For this activity, I will enter to BORs to give feedback and Delayed Error Correction (DEC). I will set the timer of the BORs to 6-8 min. depending on the time left.

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