Fayrouz Mahdy Fayrouz Mahdy

TP3. Adjectives


Abc English New File Student book , Extra work sheet , Padlet link , PPT

Main Aims

  • By the end of the session, Ss will be able to practice adjectives in the context of describing places and things.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Ss will practice listening for specific information.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

*T will take the screenshot for the participants to use later in the session. *T greets students. *T teacher shares her PPT screen asking Ss about what they can see on the screen to check if they can see his screen). *T asks Ss if they remember this movie, "What is its name? Who were the actors? What kind of movie is it? Is it old? Can you describe Julia Roberts? Which city they were in? Describe Richard in this movie." *T will write some of the adjective phrases from Ss answers. ex: romantic movie, old movie, comedy movie pretty woman, tall woman, sexy woman rich man, handsome man, tall man New York, a big city, crowded city

Test #1 (8-10 minutes) • To gauge students' prior knowledge of the target language

* T gave Ss an exercise to match the adjective with its common noun then use these adjectives to answer the second exercise. *T gave clear instructions, " Match the adjectives with their common nouns. You have 2 minutes. Use these phrases to answer the next exercise" with extra 2 minutes *T gives a model. *T asks ICQs to check their understanding. ex: Are you going to match? What are you going to do next? How many minutes do you have? *After the first 2 minutes, T will check the whole class's answer and provide Ss with adjective phrases to answer the second activity. * Ss will take 1 minute to think about the answer then T will send them to breakout rooms to check their answers together. *T will ask some ICQs before sending them to the breakout rooms. *T will monitor the breakout rooms. *T will give the whole class feedback, Focusing on some confusing questions.

Teach (15-20 minutes) • To clarify areas of the target language where students had difficulty in the first test stage

*T will start his PPT again to clarify some problematic vocabulary. ex: 1) blue jeans /ˈbluː ˌdʒiːnz/ (Plural noun). 2)New York /ˌnuː ˈjɔːrk/ (Proper noun). 3)Pretty /ˈprɪt̬.i/ (Adjective for women, not men) 4)woman/ˈwʊm.ən/ (noun (C))(P. Women ) *T will ask Ss, "Why do we use adjectives?" *Some Ss will say," to describe things". * T will elicit the meaning of the adjectives from Ss. Meaning: Adjectives are parts of speech that tell more about nouns or describe them. *T will ask, "What are nouns?"(T will receive a lot of examples about nouns.) *T will write some words on the board and ask Ss whether they are nouns or not. *T clarifies that nouns can be people, things, animals, plants, or places. *T will write down 2 sentences and ask Ss which one is correct and why. *T gives Ss 30 seconds to think. Ex: It's a big house. It's a house big. *Form: T will accept Ss answers and clarify that adjectives come before nouns. Ex: That is an old car. adj. + n *T writes a sentence on the board and asks Ss to find the mistake. Ex: These are news jeans. * T clarifies that we can't add plural (s) to the adjectives. *T asks Ss if they think that adjectives are important in the sentence. Why? *Pronunciation(sentence stress): T clarifies that adjectives visualize the sentence and give taste to the sentence, so adjective is a very important part so I have to focus on it(Stress) She's a pretty woman. She's got red hair. *So, adjectives are important parts of speech we stress them. *T will summarize the most important points using some CCQs. ex: Do adjectives describe nouns? Yes What are nouns? people, places, things, animals, and plants Do adjectives come before or after nouns? Before nouns Can I add the plural (s) to the adjectives? No Are adjectives stressed in the sentences? Yes Can I use more than one adjective for the same noun? Yes. For example, she's a pretty tall thin woman, with red long curly hair.

Test #2 (8-10 minutes) • Check students' use of the target language again and compare with the first test

* T will give Ss an exercise to answer individually and then check their answers with their partners in the breakout rooms. * T gives clear instructions. You need your notebook for this exercise. Are these sentences correct or wrong? Correct the sentence if you decide that is wrong. You have 3 minutes to answer then another 3 minutes in the breakout rooms. *T asks some ICQs. Are they all wrong? no Do you need to correct the wrong ones? yes How many minutes do you have? 3 + 3 *T monitors the breakout rooms. *T gives the whole class feedback focusing on the problematic sentences. *T asks some Ss to answer some sentences. *T provides the answer key.

Free practice (13-15 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

*T will give Ss another activity to write 5 sentences about some pictures using adjectives. *T shows Ss a model. *T gives clear instructions. - Write 5 sentences using adjectives to describe these pictures. - You have 3 minutes to think and write them in your notebook. *T asks some ICQs. How many minutes do you have? 3 Are you going to write complete sentences? Yes * T will send Ss a Padlet link so they can write their own sentences there. *T will use Ss' sentences for the final feedback. *T will provide Ss with the final review at the end of the session.

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