Karenna Karenna

TP7 Writing
Upper Intermediate level


Students will learn about brochures and gain knowledge of their uses, language, and formatting specifications, as well as their marketing and informational benefits.


Main Aims

  • To introduce and provide practice of writing a brochure.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To develop and practice functional language related to writing brochures.
  • To practice reading skills and comprehension in the context of marketing materials.


Lead-In (5-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

- T welcomes Ss to class. - T shares their screen and shows the 1st slide of the Google Slide presentation. T asks whether students can see the screen or not. - T introduces the topic: “Today, we will be learning how to write brochures. Does anybody know what a brochure is?" - T transitions to the 2nd slide of the Google Slide presentation. - T introduces the lead-in activity, which is rationalizing how we choose what to buy when shopping: "What is the most important factor when choosing which brands you buy from?"

Layout Analysis (5-5 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading/listening

- T transitions to the second slide of the Google Slide presentation, which has a model brochure. T gives activity to students to identify different sections and their purposes: "Please take 2 minutes to read this brochure, then I will put you in breakout rooms to answer Google Forms questions about the sections and their purposes." - T times and once time elapses T gives further instructions: "Now I will put you in breakout rooms and give you 2 minutes to answer these questions. Does anyone have any questions?" - T times and once time elapses T provides answer key. T asks if there are any questions. - T asks CCQ: "Does every brochure have the same layout?"

Language Analysis (7-7 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

- T transitions to the third slide of the Google Slide presentation, now focusing on language analysis. - T covers MAF for each of the related terms and models usage with a guided discovery task: "You will have 3 minutes to complete this Google Form in breakout rooms." - T asks CCQ1: "Which is more important for you, a company's mission or core values? Why?" - T asks CCQ2: "Is a vision statement about the present or future?"

Productive Task (20-20 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

- T assigns writing task: "You will have 20 minutes to create your own brochure. First, you should choose a company that has a product or service you really enjoy. For example, I really love my Nike sneakers, so I could choose Nike and make a brochure about the shoes and why someone should buy them. You can do some research, but please no more than 5 minutes as you will need time to write the brochure. Try to sell the product or service to us. Please edit directly on these slides." - T times and gives regular updates to students. T monitors the task and gives live feedback using PowerPoint. T announces once time has elapsed.

Feedback and Error Correction (8-8 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

- T provides guidance for peer checking (including list of criteria to review) and puts students in groups to peer check: "Now I am going to put you in pairs to review each other's work. Please use this criteria to give feedback. If you finish early, please role play using the brochure (your partner will play the customer)." - T assigns students, opens breakout rooms, and goes between rooms to provide personalized input and ensure everyone is on task. - T closes breakout rooms once time has elapsed. - T asks students if they have any questions. If not, T thanks students and concludes class.

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