Ollie Ollie


Main Aims

  • To improve speaking fluency

Subsidiary Aims

  • Expanding vocabulary and correcting errors regarding form and pronunciation


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Open the class with the topic of travelling. On jamboard, talk about experiences in Chihuahua: horse riding, seeing waterfalls, riding El Chepe, the beautiful scenery and how off the beaten track it is. Finish up by saying how you prefer adventure travel - being out in nature and staying active. Tell class you want them to talk about their person travel preferences in breakout rooms. Put the following questions into the chat to give them greater focus: Where is your favourite place you've travelled to? How do you prefer to travel? Do you like adventure travel, being out in nature and challenging yourself physically? Cultural travel, exploring museums, landmarks, historical buildings etc More relaxing or comfortable travel, staying by the pool or beach, or in a nice all inclusive hotel? Confirm they know the questions and what they're supposed to do. Give them 4 minutes in breakout rooms for their discussions.

Content preperation (7-8 minutes) • To introduce the TL and prepare students for speaking

Screenshare word gap excercise with class. Tell them to fill in blanks with words provided, without using the same word twice. Assure them they can use their own words if they can think of synonyms. Share task in chat and give them 2-3 minutes to complete it. Put them into breakout rooms for 3 minutes asking them to compare their answers. After leaving breakout rooms, screenshare task and single out individual students to provide their answers for each question, making corrections and clarifying meaning where neccessary.

Language preperation (5-6 minutes) • Clarifying useful language for productive tasks

Open making suggestions google doc. Start with making suggestions, and ask students if they can put examples into sentences. Have them use the context of travel advice, and ensure that they use the phrases in a natural way. Ask them to come up with more examples for responding to suggestions. write them on the document for everyone to see. Do the same for declining suggestions politely, still in the context of travel advice. Move onto modal verbs, encouraging students to provide an example for each verb on screen. Have students riff off softening suggestions on screen, putting them into sentences. Move onto clarifying preferences, using role play with examples on screen to help students understand. Have them provide a couple of examples again. Suggesting alternatives: use "instead of....", "Why don't you_____then/instead" to help students provide example answers.

Speaking (17-18 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging speaking tasks within the context of the TL

Screenshare first productive task. Run through role play with class, personally acting as the first character and asking students at random to perform the next part of the dialogue. Ask them to act out these dialogues together in breakout rooms in pairs, and swapping roles at the end of the task so they both get a chance to be each character. Give them 6 minutes in breakout rooms. Screenshare second productive task. Run through role play again using the same dynamic, but explaining that their task this time is to think of something to say for the blanks. Put them into breakout rooms again and give them 8 minutes for this round.

Feedback and error correction (5-6 minutes) • To correct mistakes and clarify meaning

Sharescreen errors made by students during productive tasks, making corrections and using CCQs to gauge understanding.

Web site designed by: Nikue