Niloo Niloo

The Internet
Beginner level


In this lesson students will learn about the usage of the Internet. Comprehension. Talking about abilities with can. They all have learned about basic grammars like S past and present / to be verbs. Designed according to ESA.


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Main Aims

  • To provide gist, detailed and scan reading practice using a text about The Internet in the context of The history and usage

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification of Internet Words in the context of How to use


Lead in (3-5 minutes) • To introduce the context and warm up ss

1. Write "WWW" and "internet" on the WB , ask them their connection. ( what does it mean? / Where did you see it? ) 2. Explain the meaning of WWW with another example. 3. Discuss about different websites / what can we do on them / do you have a website ?

Pre-teach the Vocabs (10-15 minutes) • To elicit their vocab bank and clarify lexis related to the context

1. Teach them some new words with drawing , realia, questions start with can you ....? ( e.g. pay / chat to / book ) 2. Drills and write. 3. Give them 2 minutes to do part 2 individually. ICQ: How many minutes? / alone or with a partner? 4. Ask them to check the answers in pairs. Get some feedback. 5. Bring them on the WB to complete I can ..... on the Internet and ask from others how about you ?

Preparing for the reading (1-2 minutes) • To share their predictions and get their attention on the context

In pairs discuss about the questions in Part3, elicit some answers and write on the WB

Reading for information (3-5 minutes) • To improve reading skills by scanning

Get them 3 minutes to read the article fast and find the true answers. ICQ: How many minutes? / are you going to read it slow ? Compare with a partner , were you right?

Reading for details (5-10 minutes) • To improve skimming skill

1. Look at T/F task , in 2 minutes tick it without looking at the text. 2. In 5 minutes read the passage again and do the T/F task. 3. Discuss with your partner about F answers.

speaking task (3-5 minutes) • To encourage ss creativity & clarification of using " you can" for abilities

1. Think about your own WEBSITE. 2. Put them in GP to talk about their imaginary websites by asking questions in 4 minutes. What's your website? What can we do on it ? Can we book a ticket on it? Etc. 3. Elicit some of them from their partners.

Activity (5-10 minutes) • To improve their activation and involve them more and more

1. Show them some logos of famuse websites. 2. Write their names on the WB 3. Ask them to write some pros and cons of each one 4. Modeling: e.g. Instagram: P /shopping online C / you can't have it right away. 5. Discuss about your ideas with your GP. 6. Come to the WB and write some of your ideas on it. 7. Find some common ideas together

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