Lorena Chavelas Lorena Chavelas

TP5 LP_Lorena Chavelas
C1 level


In this class students will learn and practice Functional Language in the frame of givinig advice in affirmative and negative with the following structures : You could/should....If I were you, I´d...; if I were in your shoes/position, I´d...; Why don´t you...?


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Main Aims

  • To introduce functional language for giving advice, affirmative and negative forms in a Text Based framework.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of structures used when giving advice.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Share screen slide with a picture of a thoughtful guy and the question: Do you like giving advice to others? By personlizing the topic I would see how much students like giving advice and therefore use the new items.

Exposure (5-8 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

Reading for gist: Share screen slide in which Ss will see 4 small texts of an "advice guru" to different people (Tom, John, Susy and Amy). Students do not know it is an advice guru. Ask students what do they think the texts are about? Expected answer: someone giving advice to other persons. Ss will be informed the texts belong to a section of a magazine and they will have to guess the name of the section in the magazine. ICQ1: Are you going to choose the name of the Magazine? No. ICQ2: Are you goint to choose the name of the section of the magazine? Yes Possible answers: a) Creativity and Innovation b) Your finantial coach c) The Advice Guru d) Glamour Mum. Right answer: C At this point tell students the class is about learning expressions to give advice. Reading for detail: Share Google-F with each of the texts and Ss will have the choose a problem to the advices the Guru is giving. The problems have been shorten tell students to focus on key words in the text to make your decision. Options: a) A seductive job offer b) Unwanted Friends c) Brother in trouble d) New boy in the city. Right answers: d) a) c) b) We will proceed to OCFB. Elicit names to read and check the anwers. Share screen slide with the text and let students identify the structures the Guru is using for giving advice. Highlight them in a different colour.

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Meaning: Share screen slide, read for yourself each structure. a) You could tell him the truth. b) You should tell him the truth. CCQ1:When do you use the modal should? Expected answer: To give advice/ obligation CCQ2: If you use should are you trying to persuade someone? Expected answer: Yes. CCQ3. Would you use this form with your friends and family? Expected answer: Yes. CCQ 4: When do we use could? Expected answer: To express a possibility. CCQ5: Students, imagine my Boss who I don´t really know well is asking for advice. What do you think will be more appropriate to answer "You should or you could" Expected answer: You could. Explain SS in these particular structures used for giving advice by using "could" the speaker is being cautious by expressing no judgement. Whereas by using "should" the speaker believes there is a certain degree of obligation thus tries to "influence" the other persons´ decision. CCQ6: Which structure will you use if you want to be precautious of what you´re advising? = Could. CCQ7: Which structure is better to express a certain degree of obligation when advising? Should Show next slide with these structures: a)If I were you, I´d tell her. b)If I were in your shoes, I´d tell her. c) If I were in your position, I´d tell her. CCQ8: Do these structures have the same meaning? Yes. CCQ9: Which of them would you use with people with a higher rank? Solution: If I were you/If I were in your position. Share screen slide: Why don´t you tell him the truth? CCQ10: Students, will you use this structure with friends or with people with a higher rank? Answer: Friends Show all structures on next slide: You could / You should/ If I were you, I´d ... If I were in your shoes, I´d.. If I were in your position, I´d... Why don´t you? Pictures on slide with two famous bosses of movies and picture of friends. Cline +formal, -formal. Go structure by structre and let students discover place in the cline, nominate students. Solution: Formal: If I were you/ in your position. Neutral: I should/could. More informal: If I were in your shoes, I´d / Why don´t you? Form: Show all structures and ask students what do they have all in common regarding their form? Highlight structure in one colour and infinitive in other. Expected answer: an infinitive goes after all structures. CCQ1: Which conditional is "If I were..... , I´d....) Expected answer: Second conditional. Make students aware this is a fix form and they cannot change anything but the order of the clauses. (Main clause + if clause.... ) Slide with all the structures and the word negative. Ss will be asked to help me form the negatives of all structure. CCQ2: What happens with the form I would in negative? Expected answer: It changes its meaning. CCQ3: And what happens with the form " Why don´t you" in this case? Will you use a double negative? Expected answer: No. Teach Ss to reformulate or use other structure. Pronunciation: I am going to pronounce each item twice. You are going to repeat after me. Please mute your mics. After the second time I am going to ask some of you to repeat. ICQs: How many times are we going to pronunce each item? Two. Why don´t you tell him the truth? If I were you, I´d tell him the truth. If I were in your shoes, I wouldn´t tell him the truth.

Controlled Practice (6-8 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Students will have a Google Form with 7 sentences,this is a multiple choice exercise. Ss will have 2 minutes to answer. Proceed to OCFB Main aim: verb forms, neg/positive auxiliaries/ Target Language. 1. I would be careful if I were you. You could have an accident. 2. Why dont´you go to the doctor? That pain isn´t normal. 3. If I were you, I wouldn´t lose my time giving explanations. Fix the problem instead! 4. I think you shouldn´t say anything. You can get into trouble. 5. If I were in your position, I wouldn´t travel to Moscow right now. Is too dangerous. 6. Why don´t you better wait for a while? Perhaps she rings you. 7. Maybe you shouldn´t buy that house. Is really ugly and dark. 5 minutes.

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Share screen slide with 10 different problems Students would have the opportunity to state a real problem they might have if they want to. I will model the first one, Paco, I have a big problem and I need your advice please. I cannot sleep at nights, what should I do? Wait for Paco´s answer. Instructions: Take turns please, let the other´s speak. Students will be encouraged to use TL that will be included in the word bank and to add bits and pieces of what they already know: eg. I think you should.... Perhaps... Maybe you could...Ask Ss for screen shot and share anyhow the link. Students will go in BOR in pairs. Problems: You want to give up smoking. The neighbour´s dog barks all night. Your boss doesn´t like you. Your child is being bullied at school. You hate your job. You want to eat healthier. Your think your life is boring. You have tons of money now and do not know what to do. A friend is getting married but you hate weddings. A colleague is asking you out but you don´t like him/her. Monitor, praise correct use of language & write on whiteboard language that should be improved, ask Ss if they can notice the mistakes and let Ss correct them.

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