Mert Arda Güler Mert Arda Güler

Listening Lesson
Elementary level


Abc Cutting Edge Elementary SB
Abc Powerpoint

Main Aims

  • To provide gist and detailed listening practice using a text titled "Two Career Paths"

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide a discussion speaking activity about the listening "Two Career Paths"
  • To provide pre-teaching for words about the topic "Two Career Paths": "ideal" , "stress-free", "company", "combine".


Vocabulary Elicitation (5-7 minutes) • To pre-teach vocabulary before going into the discussion questions

T elicits these following vocabularies: "ideal" , "stress-free", "company", "combine". Ideal: T shows a picture of an ideal graph chart and asks these following questions to elicit the word, "Does it look good or a bad?" (Good), "Do you think this chart is positive or negative?" (Positive), "Does it work nice for me?" (Yes). Then T will ask what do they think the word is until T can get "ideal". Stress-free: T will ask students if they know the word "stress" and ask for synonyms, then, T will ask what they think "stress-free" means until Ss say that it means no stress. Company: T will show multiple pictures of companies and have ss guess the word themselves Combine: T show a picture where clothes are combined, then asks ss what this process is. T enforces the process questions by asking these, "What is happening to the clothes?", "Are they being put together? (T mimics two things being combined with hand gestures)". If ss do not understand, T slowly starts giving the word letter by letter.

Pre-Listening/Warmer (10-12 minutes) • To prepare students for the text, set the context and make it accessible

T shows these questions and asks students to discuss them in pairs (Depending on the number of students, this activity can be individual). Before showing these questions, T chests the section of the activity and asks ICQ's "How many questions are there?" "Alone? Or in pairs?" "How many minutes?" - Which jobs/careers pay the most money in your country? - Is money important to you when choosing a career? - What else do you look for when choosing a career - Do you have an 'ideal' job?

While-Listening #1 (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading/listening tasks

T shows the picture in section 2 and asks Ss to read the instructions. T then asks Ss ICQs: "How many people? Who are they?" "What are they talking about?" "What are we doing in this activity?" "How many minutes?" "How many topics?" This activity involves multiple topics where Ss have to match the initials of these peoples' names to the topic. T will demo it with an example, stating: "For example, it is an example, not real, when we listen it says Lorraine talks about having a lot of money (T chests the activity and points towards the 1st topic while miming "a lot of" with widening his arms). So we write L next to the topic." - having a lot of money - having time to spend with family/friends - having a stress-free life - having your own business - working for a large company - combining work and a hobby

While-Listening #2 (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference reading/listening tasks

T moves on to the 3rd section of the page, listening again and answering the questions. T will answer these questions individually. Depending on the time, T might decrease the amount of questions depending on the pacing and time management. Once again, before moving on to the activity, T asks ICQs: - How many people? (2) - How many questions in total? (Depends on the time, ideally 12) - How many questions for Lorraine? / How many questions for Martin? (Depends on the time, ideally 6 for each) - How many minutes? (10) - Alone or in pairs? (Alone)

Post-Listening (8-10 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

T will have a general discussion about the listening, Ss will answer the questions on the 4th and the last section of the page. As usualy, T will ask ICQ's before allowing Ss to start the activity. - How many questions? (4) - Alone or in pairs? (Pairs) - How many minutes? (10) For the first question (Which person do you think you are most similar to? Why?) T will ask for a show of hands, and group the like-minded people together. The first question will take 4 minutes to answer as the grouping and discussion may take some time. T will also give his own insight on question 2 as it may be too difficult to answer altogether. "Which careers are more popular with men? Which are more popular with women? And which are more popular with young people? Why do you think this is" (I believe that becoming a YouTuber or computer game player is popular with young people because of technology.) The rest of the questions will be discussed and answered by the students in pairs. T concludes the lesson with a thank you.

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