ghazal ghazal

tp 3
elemantry level


Abc HO
Abc pictures

Main Aims

  • To provide gist and detailed

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist


Warmer/Lead-in (15-30 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

what is your favorite food? which places do you like to eat? have you ever eaten food on unusual places? reteach words: 1-crane 2-branches 3-sunken platform 4-loo 5-spectacular 6-pearls in a glass oyster

gyst (10-15 minutes) • To read the text quicly and say a gist of it

students should read the text and tell me what did they underestand fromw the readind and about the unusual part of the restaurants.

exercises (8-10 minutes) • To solve the books exercises

now they can read the text again and do the books exercises at first they do the exercise two by two and then they will compare the answers in 4 person groups.

activation (8-10 minutes) • To speak about the readind

role play and speaking

listening (15-20 minutes) • To imorove listening

play the listening once and ask questions from the students play again and ask them to take note and answer the questions. ask them to chech it in groups

activation (5-8 minutes) • To speak about the listening

male groups in the class and give them another reason to speak about and monitor them

Web site designed by: Nikue