Kyle Kyle

Intermediate level


A listening lesson in the context of a radio broadcast about two different kinds of therapies


Abc Listening for Gist

Main Aims

  • To enable students to practice listening for gist and detail in the context of an article about a radio broadcast about different kinds of therapies.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To enable students to discuss what makes them feel negative emotions as well as effective ways for dealing with those emotions.


Warmer/Lead-in (4-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Introduce the topic by showing students a Google slide with three questions. Ask students how they would answer these questions. Gather feedback and write their answers on the Google slide as a way to collect some ideas. Tell the students today we will listen to a radio show talk about special therapies that can help us when we feel negative emotions. Questions: 1. What makes you feel angry? 2. What makes you feel stressed? 3. What do you do to feel better?

Pre-Reading/Listening (5-6 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

Meaning Demonstrate the activity using Google Slides. Students should match the words to the pictures. After students have finished matching, check answers and some CCQs to see if they understand the meaning of the words. Confirm the definitions of the words before moving on. Answers: laughter - a group of people smiling and laughing anger - picture of a man yelling destruction - picture of a woman smashing a car window Form Show students a slide with three different columns - noun, verb, and adjective. Instruct the students to sort the words based on their part of speech. After students have finished matching, confirm answers. Provide a couple example sentences and ask if they are correct. Answers: Noun: laughter anger destruction Verb: laugh destroy Adjective: angry Examples: 1. I laughter a lot when I watch Mr. Bean. 2. I go to a destruction room to destroy things. 3. I am very anger at my friend. Pronunciation Show students the pronunciation slide. Tell students to sort the words by syllable count and word stress into one of three columns. Confirm answers and drill pronunciation. Answers: Oo laughter destroy anger angry oOo destruction O laugh

While-Reading/Listening #1 (7-8 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading/listening tasks

Show students the Google form (Feeling Stressed Activity 1). Tell students they will listen to a talk on a radio show. While listening, they should answer the two questions by making both a list of therapies and a list of situations mentioned in the program. Provide students with the Google form and play the recording. Afterward, collect responses from students. Do OCF after all have submitted responses. Answers: 1. Which two therapies does the program talk about? A: 1. Destruction therapy 2. Laughter therapy 2. The therapies are used in different situations. What situations are mentioned in the program? A:

While-Reading/Listening #2 (10-11 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference reading/listening tasks

Show students the Google form (Listening for Detail). Explain to the students that they have to listen the article and select True or False as answers for the various questions. Instruct the students that they will complete this task on their own first. Afterward, they will put in pairs or groups (depending on the number of students). Instruct the students to not submit their Google Forms until after they have checked with their fellow students. Ask ICQs to check that they have understood directions (ex: Will you do the task in groups or by yourselves first? Will you hit submit on Google Forms after finishing the task by yourself?) After doing individually, divide the students into groups and assign them to BORs. Have students check their answers and also work together to help solve any problems they couldn't solve during individual work. Bring students back into open class and go over answers together. Answers: 1. Eight out of ten people have trouble controlling their anger. A: F (A: 1 in 10 people) 2. With destruction therapy you use your anger to destroy something in a controlled way. A: T 3. If you think about a situation when you were angry, destruction therapy will be more enjoyable. A: T (satisfyiing = enjoyable) 4. In Spain, some companies pay for workers to build hotels. A: F (destroy hotels) 5. In Mexico, they use destruction therapy in hospitals. A: F (laughter therapy) 6. Laughter therapy can help people to feel less pain. A: T 7. On average, children laugh 100 times a day, and adults laugh seventeen times. A: F (children laugh up to 400 times a day)

Post-Reading/Listening (13-15 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

Tell students that they will now discuss a set of questions with each other in either pairs or small groups (depending on class size). Show students the Google Slide with the questions that they will discuss in their BORs. Give the students time to discuss the questions with each other. Bring the class back to OC and ask students to provide answers to the questions in an open class setting. Do delayed error correction if necessary. Speaking Activity Questions: - When was the last time you felt angry or stressed? Why? - What did you do to feel better? - Do you have any habits or routines you do everyday to feel less angry or stressed? - Do you think that laughter or destruction therapy are good ideas? Why or why not?

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