Khalid Fadul Khalid Fadul

future simple
intermediate level


In this lesson ,students learn the future simple with will and be going to through guided discovery based on a reading text about Ray Kurzweil, Futurist. The lesson starts with a discussion about the computers. This is followed by jigsaw reading where students read and relate stories about computers. Finally there is some controlled practice through sentence reformation and free practice via a final role play speaking activity.


Abc handouts,∙ Audio files/CD,GRAMMAR IN CONTEXT,

Main Aims

  • By the end of the lesson students will demonstrate comprehension of the using of future structures to express plans, make predictions, and show willingness to do an action.

Subsidiary Aims

  • ∙ To practise listening for specific information ∙ To practise reading for gist and specific information.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Focus students’ attention on page 136 Choosing a Career and try to elicit as much information from them as possible. For example: Underline any word written in italic What do you notice? What do these words refer to?

Test #1 (8-10 minutes) • To gauge students' prior knowledge of the target language

As a 'noticing' task, students will now underline the verbs in the text. Check that the class remembers what 'underline' means and then demonstrate how to do it. Compile at least three examples. Make visual feedback available on the desks so that students can check in in groups. Aural discrimination activity that is quick. Put verbs on the board and play a fly swatting recognition game. Students have been sitting for a long time and need to get up and move around. Students listen and figure out the correct answer - Choosing a Career? As an extension of revising the difference between be going to and will, students may do a matching task in two large groups, depending on time.

Teach (15-20 minutes) • To clarify areas of the target language where students had difficulty in the first test stage

Show form on the PowerPoint presentation I explain the form and use of the future simple. I explain the difference between the uses of be going to and will. Have the students make examples using be going to and will

Test #2 (8-10 minutes) • Check students' use of the target language again and compare with the first test

Demonstrate the task to the class and have students work in pairs. Choosing a Career Monitor and check - Feedback is provided by designating one student per pair as the "teacher."

Free practice (13-15 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Students in pairs talk about their future plans using the words will and be going to. This is a speaking practice for students to use the TL to practice speaking.

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