Melani Konca Melani Konca

TP 7
Intermediate level


In this lesson, students learn about writing a website review through guided discovery based on a reading text about a website review.


Abc Handout and Teacher-Made Presentation

Main Aims

  • To provide process writing practice of a review in the context of websites

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice of language used for making recommendations in the context of websites
  • To provide gist reading practice using a text about review of a website in the context of internet


Lead-in (5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

The teacher greets the students and has a short check-in with them. Then, she opens the Padlet page and asks the following questions to students: "Which websites do you like most?" Before they answer, the teacher shows her own answer from Padlet and explains herself. After that, students think about their answers and write on Padlet with their names. Next, the teacher nominates students to elaborate on their answers. She asks them why they like the website(s).

Exposure (15 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading

The teacher gives short information on the reading text. Students read it and check for unfamiliar vocabulary. Then, individually, they answer the questions. Next, they check their answers in pairs. When they are done, the teacher gets the answers by nominating them. After that, students read the text again and this time they do the two activities in pairs. ICQ: Alone or in pairs? Before students start, the teacher asks for unknown vocabulary in the tasks. When they are finished, the teacher shows the answers from the presentation and students check their answers.

Useful Language (10 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

Students compare the sentences and decide which ones are more fluent for a few minutes. Then the teacher asks the reason to the students. Next, the teacher writes three model sentences on the board, enumerates them, and asks some CCQs about them to teach several conjunctions. CCQs: Is 1 the reason for 2? How can I combine 1 and 2? Is 3 another reason for 1? How can I combine all these three? After that, students, as a whole class, connect the sentences together using the functional language items. CCQ: What's the difference between the first version and the second version of the sentences? Finally, she does backchaining using the final version of the sentence.

Productive Task (10 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

Students rewrite the sentences in the task to make them more fluent. The teacher reminds them to get support from the previous tasks. Students work alone, and then they check their answers in pairs. ICQ: Alone or in pairs? Next, the teacher shows the answers from the presentations and the students check their answers as a whole class.

Assignment (5 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to write a text using target productive skills

The teacher assigns a writing task to the students. First, students read the questions about which they will write and if they don't understand something, the teacher helps the students. Then the teacher tells the students that this is individual work and they should finish their 100-word writing and bring or email it to her by Thursday. She also reminds them to get support from the materials from the lesson.

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