Sarah Abdel Hady Sarah Abdel Hady

Listening, Short story-
Lower elementary, G3 level


In this lesson, Ss practise listening for gist to get the main idea of the topic and detailed listening to answer more comprehension questions. They learn new vocabulary based on a short story listening text about The Voyage of Animal Orchestra. Session starts with a prediction questions through displaying a picture and discussing its elements. This is followed by a pre-teach of the blocks where Ss match up word with its picture. Then, a gist listening and detailed listening. Finally, some controlled practice through match up activity, fill-in gaps, complete sentences and freer practice via a diary writing activity.


Abc Label activity
Abc Gap-fill handout (High achievers)
Abc Match-up handout (low achievers)
Abc Take notes activity
Abc Writing sheet organizer
Abc Power-point presentation

Main Aims

  • To provide gist and detailed listening practice using a text about Short story in the context of The Voyage of the animal Orchestra

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide product writing practice of a diary in the context of The Voyage of the animal Orchestra
  • To provide practice of Sea words in the context of The Voyage of the animal Orchestra


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context, engage students and increase their interests to the topic

T displays a picture of some animals and invites Ss to predict what have just happened to the animals and how do they feel and what they try to do? then let them to discuss their predictions to their partners without giving answers. Then, T nominates some without giving a FB.

Pre-Listening (3-5 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

T pre-teach the blocks using MPF technique, pictures to felicitate new vocabulary such as "voyage", "orchestra" through label activity before plays the video. Ss do it in pairs before T gives OCFB.

While-Listening 1 (7-10 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information listening tasks

T asks Ss to listen to answer a gist question " what happened to the ship?", then pauses to make sure that they've got it then continues playing the video till the end to answer "Could they return home?" T allows Ss to check their predictions they've got at the beginning and listens to their answers and gives an OCFB. T divides the class into homogenous groups according to their levels. - For high achievers, T spread hand-out with fill-in gaps task. - For low achievers, T spread hand-out with match up the days and what happens. T replays the video, monitoring to check that Ss are on task. T could play the video more than once if needed and give assistance for slow finishers. Finally, T gives OCFB on board.

While-Reading Listening 2 (7-10 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed listening tasks

T divides the class into 3 heterogeneous groups of 4/5, spreads complete the sentence task among each group and replays the video. T allows Ss to take notes and discuss their answers in groups before nominates the presenter of each group to answer. T gives OCFB by hands-up if agree or down for disagree.

Post-Listening (8-10 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

T asks Ss to imagine that they’re one of the animal band who landed on a desert island and asks each group to choose an animal to write a diary for their first 5 days and draw a picture of the island. Then, Ss hang their diary and drawings on wall for each corner, T invites Ss for a chat station or gallery walk where Ss rotate, read and vote for the best short story. T praises the good ones and give a delayed content and linguistic feed back on board.

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