Ganna Magdy Ganna Magdy


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Main Aims

  • To provide detailed reading practice using a text about travelling in the context of places to go to and places to avoid

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy speaking practice in a Conversation in the context of travelling


Lead-in/ setting the context (3-5 minutes) • To generate students’ interests in the topic

T will have ss play a game in which t show ss pictures of cities and they have to guess the city's name within 3 seconds. t will give instrouctions and icqs to make sure ss understood the inst. t sets the context with the question "what is the city you would like to visit in the future and why".

Pre-Teaching Vocabulary (7-9 minutes) • To pre-teach some of the new vocabulary that could possibly prevent students from completing the task

t will teach "cosmopolian" ccqs: shows a picture of Dubai Is Dubai a famous city? Does it have few or many foreigners? Does it have many people from different countries? "ski slopes" t shows a picture of people skiing and then asks ccqs: What are these people doing? So are they standing on their feet? Are they walking? Is the ground even or not? "haggling" t will show a picture of a woman talking to a salesperson and asks ccqs: Does the woman look satisfied with the prices she's offered? What is she trying to do? t will follow CECDW in teaching them the words

Gist Task (3-4 minutes) • to get a general idea of the text

t gives the task and intructions and ICQs then gives ss the text. t asks general questions about the text.

Detailed Task (5-7 minutes) • To focus on details in the text and develop the reading/listening skills for specific information

t lets the ss read the text again and asks for specific questions. devides students in pairs and gives inst. t gives ICQs if needed.

Follow up Task (8-10 minutes) • To give the students the chance to react to the content of the reading/listening in personalized and fluency-based activity

t tells ss to underline the phrases in the text then choose the correct meaning. t gives instructions t gives ICQs ss answer the questions and t conduct content feedback t divides them in groups of 4, gives them 5 minutes to take turns and talk about their ideal holidays. then t asks one person from each team to give an answer.

Language Feedback (2-3 minutes) • To correct any errors have been accrued during the tasks

teacher conduct language feedback.

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